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April 2015, № 4 (179)

Fattakhova A.F., Dryuchin D.A., Yanuchkov M.R. JUSTIFICATION OF A SCOPE OF GAS FUEL ON CARS WITH PETROL ENGINESUse of hydrocarbonic gases instead of traditional liquid fuels traditionally is considered, as one of the obvious actions allocated for increase of efficiency of operation of vehicles both in economic, and in the ecological plan. But along with obvious advantages, gas fuels possess a number of features which significantly reduce efficiency of their application, and in some cases, nullify the gained effect. Proceeding from it, the main objective of work — increase of efficiency of operation of vehicles due to determination of values of the operational parameters limiting area of profitable use of gas fuels is formulated. At the initial stage of research features of use of gas fuels on cars with petrol engines are considered. On the basis of the analysis of standard technological schemes of main types of the works connected with use of gas fuels the list of the equipment, the area of production rooms and the list of works, is determined by rearmament of production base of the enterprises, caused by transition to gaseous fuel. Method of calculation of volume of capital investments, structures of operational expenses and possible economic effect of use of gas fuels are developed. On the basis of the developed techniques the algorithm of calculation of economic indicators of the transfer of park of vehicles on gas fuel is made. Practical realization of the made algorithm allowed to create mathematical model of operation of vehicles on gas fuel. By means of the developed model modeling of technical and economic indicators of operation of vehicles on the liquefied gas is carried out. The area of economically effective use of gas fuels on cars with petrol engines described by a set of operational parameters which values are calculated for the average motor transportation enterprise of Orenburg is defined. The received result represents undoubted interest, as for the economic entities which are carrying out commercial operation of vehicles when developing translation programs of park on gas fuel, and for the scientific organizations when carrying out researches in the field of increase of efficiency of operation of the motor transport. Key words: gas fuel, efficiency of operation of cars, the liquefied gas, operational expenses, fuel profitability.


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About this article

Authors: Fattahova A.F., Dryuchin D.A., Yanuchkov M.R.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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