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February 2015, № 2 (177)

Kuznetsov V.V. PREVENTIVE ACTIVITY: CONTENT AND STRUCTUREThe author's concept about the deviationsprevention in behavior of children and teenagers taking into account the Euler force showing to the tutor that the young man lost stability because of the influence of the social environment is considered in the article. The author proposes the theoretical aspects of prevention and preventive activity. In particular, the deviations in behavior of children and teenagers of the first order (soft), the second order (moderate severity), the third order (hard)are considered. Forms and methods of preventive activity, its content, structure, and also reasons of deviant behavior are considered on the basis of the theoretical analysis of the researches in the field of preventive pedagogics (L.V. Kondrashova, V.M. Orzhekhovskaya, E.M. Rangelova, A.P. Smantser, A.M. Stolyarenko, etc). Preventive activity, its aims,conditions, ways of implementation, motives, requirements, means and results are considered by the analogy with the conception of any activity. In the article means of the deviationsprevention in behavior of children and teenagers in Russia and abroadare offered and analyzed, series of examples and models of positive preventive activity is given. The author analyzes the researches of L.V. Kondrashova, V.M. Orzhekhovskaya (Ukraine), E.M. Rangelova, A.P. Smantser (Belorussia), domestic scientists (V.N. Gerasimov, S.A. Yermolayeva, Yu.M. Kudryavtsev, A.M. Stolyarenko) and draws the necessary conclusions: about the effective means of the deviations prevention in behavior of children and teenagers; about the organization of correctional and pedagogical activity, ways of prevention, services of preventive activity. There is the list of references where it is possible to see not only famous pedagogues in the field of preventive pedagogics, but also psychologists, sociologists, lawyers in article. The article completely develops the name. The readers will find answers to many questions which are considered within preventive pedagogics. Key words: preventive activity, content of preventive activity and its components, deviations prevention, forms and reasons of deviant behavior.


1. Avanesov, G.A.Criminology and social prevention/ G.A. Avanesov. — M., 1980.

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3. Vasil'yev, V.L. Legal psychology. — 3rd edit. — St.P.: Publ. house "Piter", 2000. — 624 p.

4. Garifullin, R.R. Hidden prevention of drug addiction: Practical guidance for teachers and parents. — M.: TC Sphera, 2002. — 64 p.

5. Yepifanova, E.V. Pedagogical conditions of the prevention and overcoming of asocial behavior of teenagers on the basis of valuable orientations. — Abstract of dissert. — Magnitogorsk, 2008.

6. Kondrashova, L.V. Preventive pedagogics: tutorial / L.V.Kondrashova. — KrivoyRog, 2004.

7. Kuznetsov, V.V. Preventive pedagogics: theory and practice / V.V. Kuznetsov. — Vestnik OSU. — №2. — 2014. — 80-90Pp.

8. Kuznetsov, V.V. Preventive pedagogics as an instrument of the prevention of addictive behavior / V.V.Kuznetsov, A.R.Morshinin / Education and society. — №3 (86), 2014.

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About this article

Author: Kuznetsov V.V.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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