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2013, № 9 (158)

Shakirova E.Z. ON THE QUESTION OF THE MODERN HISTORIOGRAPHY OF CHURCH-STATE RELATIONS IN RUSSIA IN THE SECOND HALF OF THE XXTH CENTURYThe article considers the problems of church-state relations in the second half of the XXth century, covered in the current scientific literature. On the basis of historiographical analysis it examines various aspects of the theme, which is given a more objective free from ideological cliches assessment of the State power activity in respect of the Russian Orthodox Church.Key words: state-church relations, Russian Orthodox Church, the ROC, the modern historiography, believers, anti-religious propaganda, atheistic work.


1. Shakirova E.Z., Bannova V.I. State policy with regard to the Russian Orthodox Church in the Southern Urals and the Middle Volga region in the second half of the XXth century. / / Bulletin of the Orenburg State University, IPK GOU OSU, №5, 2012. — P. 108-114.

2. Leszczynski A.N. The Time for new approaches. About the Soviet church-state relations. / A. Leszczynski — M.: Society "Znanie" of the RSFSR, 1990. — 80 p.

3. Alekseev, V.A. Illusion and dogma. / V.A. Alexeev — M.: Politizdat, 1991. — 400 p.

4. Alekseev, V.A. "Storming of Heaven" is canceled? Critical Essays of struggle against the religion in the USSR. / V.A. Alexeev — M.: Ed. Center "Rossija Molodaja", 1992. — 299 p.

5. Alekseev, V.A. Post-perestroika: non-free conscience? / V.A. Alexeyev — Moscow: Publishing Center " Rossija Molodaja ", 1992. — 64 p.

6. Odintsov M.I. The State and the Church in Russia. The XXth century. / M.I. Odintsov — M. Ray, 1994. — 171 p.

7. Odintsov M.I. Russian Orthodox Church in the 80's of the XXth century. / M.I. Odintsov — Moscow, 1989. — 55 p.

8. The State-Church relations in Russia (the experience of the past and present) / F.G. Ovsiyenko, M.I. Odintsov, N.A. Trofimchuk etc. — M.: Publishing RAGS, 1996. — 252 p.

9. Shkarovsky M.V. Russian Orthodox Church of the Soviet state in the years of 1943-1964. From the "truce" to a new war. / M.V. Shkarovsky — St. Petersburg., M. Dean: Adia-M -1995. — 215 p.

10. Vasilieva O.U. The Russian Orthodox Church and the Second Vatican Council. / O.U. Vasilieva — M.: Publishing house "Tape-Press", 2004. — 382 p.

11. Tcipin, V., archpriest History of the Russian Church. 1917-1997 years. / V. Tcipin — M.: Publishing Holy-Transfiguration Valaam Monastery, 1997. — 656 p.

12. Stremsky N. Martyrs and confessors of the Orenburg Diocese of the XXth century. / N. Stremsky — Book. 1. Orenburg, 1998. — 234 p.

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14. Meshkhov V.R. Religious organizations in the public and political life of Soviet society and the problems of atheistic propaganda.: author's abstract of dissertation... PhD: 09.00.06 / V.R. Meshkhov. Moscow, 1991. — 23 p.

15. Andreeva L.A. Features of church-state relations in the USSR in the 80's of the XXth century.: author's abstract of dissertation... PhD: 09.00.06. / L. A. Andreeva Moscow, 1996. — 24 p.

16. Turina L.V. The State and the Russian Orthodox Church: the evolution of the relationship. 1917-2000.: author's abstract of dissertation... PhD: 07.00.02. / L.V. Turina, Kursk, 2000. — 23 p.

17. Mozgovoi S.A. Formation and development of cooperation of the armed forces of the Russian Federation and religious associations in the 90's. of the XXth century.: author's abstract of dissertation... PhD: 07.00.02. / S.A. Mozgovoi, Moscow, 2001. — 25 p.

18. Orthodox Encyclopedia. Russian Orthodox Church / / Ed. Ed. Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II. — Moscow: Publisher: Church Research Center "Orthodox Encyclopedia", 2000. — 752 p.

19. Maslova I.I. Evolution of the religious policy of the Soviet State and the Russian Orthodox Church (1953 — 1991 years.): author's abstract of dissertation... PhD: 07.00. 02. / I.I. Maslova. — Moscow, 2005. — 46 p.

20. Maslova I.I. The Council for Religious Affairs under the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Russian Orthodox Church (1965-1991 years.) / I.I. Maslova / / History of Russia. — 2005. — №6. — P. 52-65.

21. Chumatchenko T.A. The State, the Orthodox Church, the faithful: 1941-1961. / T.A. Chumatchenko — M.: "AIRO-XX", 1999. — 248 p.

22. Kovalenko, V.V. Russian Orthodox Church in the XXth century: the state-church relations in the Soviet Union. / V. V. Kovalenko — Orenburg: RSO, 2004. — 178 p.

23. Futoryanski L.I. Multiethnic and multi-religious composition of the Cossacks in Russia / L.I. Futoryanski / / International Scientific and Practical Conference. Cossacks in the past and the present. To the 260th anniversary of the Orenburg Cossack's Army is dedicated. — Orenburg, Academy of OSU, 2007. — P. 8-11.

24. Futoryanski L.I. Reprisals against the church in the late 20"s — 30"s. and the beginning of its revival / L.I. Futoryanski / / Slavic Culture Orenburg. Orenburg OSAU, 2003. — P. 103-108.

25. Futoryanski L.I. Orenburg in the defense of the Fatherland. / L.I. Futoryanski — Orenburg: Publishing house: Troops, 1995. — 140 p.

26. Fedorova, A.V. Russian Orthodox Church in the Southern Urals in the 30"s and 40"s of the XXth century. / A.V. Fedorova / / Russian nation and the Russian idea: history and modernity. — Orenburg, 1996. — P. 33-34.

27. Fedorova, A.V. Orenburg in the Great Patriotic War. / A.V. Fedorova — Orenburg, "Orenburg publishing house", 1995. — 126 p.

28. Fedorova, A.V. Against religion and the Church / A.V. Fedorova / / Russian statehood: tradition, continuity and perspective. — Moscow: The Russian state: tradition, continuity, perspective: mater. Of the II readings in memory of prof. T.I. Korzhihinoy. — M.: Ed. centre RSHU, 1999. — P. 204-207.

29. Khisamutdinova R.R. Anti-religious propaganda among the population on the eve of World War II / R.R. Khisamutdinova // Christianity and Islam at the turn of the century. — Orenburg, 1998. — P. 197-199.

30. Khisamutdinova R.R. The activities of the Russian Orthodox Church during the Great Patriotic War / R.R. Khisamutdinova // Orenburg region in defense of the Fatherland. — Orenburg, Publishing House: Troops, 1995. — P. 72-75.

31. Marchenko, A.N. "Khrushchev's reform of the church": Essays on Church-State relations (1958-1964 years) (Based on the archives of the Ural region). / A.N. Marchenko — Perm: publ of Perm State. University Press, 2007. — 200 p.

32. Fedschenko M.N. Religion and youth of the Ural / M.N. Fedschenko // Religious Culture and Education: Dialogue of Scientists: theology, philosophy, history and sociology from scientific conferences and seminars. Kurgan: KSU, 1996. — 147 p.

33. Fedschenko M.N. Russian Orthodox Church in the Kurgan region (1943 — early 2000s.) / M.N. Fedschenko — Kurgan: Publishing House of the Kurgan State. University Press, 2006. — 124 p.

34. Potapova A.N. Religious policy of the Soviet state and its implementation in the southern Urals in 1941 — 1958 years.: author's abstract of dissertation... PhD: 07.00. 02. / A.N. Potapova — Orenburg, 2004. — 25.

35. Ermolyuk A.V. Relations between the Orthodox Church and the Russian intelligentsia in the years of 1988-2000. (Based on the Chelyabinsk region): author's abstract of dissertation... PhD / A.V. Ermolyuk. — Chelyabinsk, 2007. — 23 p.

36. V.N. Yakunin Patriotic activities of the Russian Orthodox Church and the change of church-state relations in the years of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.: author's abstract of dissertation... PhD: 07.00. 02. / V.N. Yakunin — Samara, 1998. — 26 p.

About this article

Author: Shakirova E.Z.

Year: 2013

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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