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2012, № 10 (146)

Dergacheva M.I., Nekrasova O.A., Vasilieva D.I., Fadeeva V.P. HUMIC ACID ELEMENTAL COMPOSITION OF DIFFERENT FORMATION CONDITION VIRGIN CHERNOZEMSHumic acid element structure characteristics of virgin chernozems of different regions (ETR, Southern Ural, Western Siberia and Mountain Altai) and different formation conditions are discussed. It is shown that the mass percentages, share of individual element content and their relationship clearly responsible landscape conditions. Materials can serve as a basis for assessing agricultural land and use for revealing of anthropogenic transformation specificity and diagnostic environment as well.Key words: elemental composition, humic acids, chernozems, European territory of Russia, Southern Ural, Western Siberia and Mountain Altai, different landscapes


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About this article

Authors: Vasilyeva D.I., Dergacheva M.I., Nekrasova O.A., Fadeeva V.P.

Year: 2012

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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