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2011, № 4

Mironov S.V., Kuleshov I.V. IMPROVING THE EFFECTIVENESS AND RELIABILITY OF GROUND CRANE WAYS TO OPTIMIZE THEIR GEOMETRICAL PARAMETERSThe situation of normative and technical support of the norms requirements of tolerance of horizontal and vertical characteristics of the ground crane ways is investigated in this work. Some inconsistencies and lack of depth to develop a range of requirements of acceptable branching are revealed here. The authors identified critical factors for the efficient and reliable operation of a single mechanical system "Crane — the way". Also they suggest ways to determine the norms of tolerance. It is recommended that requirements for crane way at the design of the crane, depending on the features of their design.Key words: crane, way, road safety, load variations, tolerance, warped condition, slope, ledge, "wheel — rail", "crane — the way", calculation scheme.


1. GOST 28609-90. Cranes load-lifting substantive provisions of calculation. — Entered. 1992-01-01. — M : Izd-vo standartov, 1990. — 5 p.

2. GOST 27584-88. Cranes roadways and gantry electric. — Entered. 1990-01-01. — M : Izd-vo standartov, 1988. — 19 p.

3. GOST R 51248-99. Ways ground rail of crane. — In exchange SNiP 3.08.01-85; entered. 1999-06-01. — M : Izd-vo standartov, 1999. — 8 p.

4. Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of load-lifting cranes: PB 10 — 382 — 00. — are confirmed by the decision of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia from 31.12.99 №98. — M : Izd-vo standartov, 2001. — 125 p.

5. Complex inspection crane of load-lifting machines{cars}: RD 10 — 138 — 97: — are confirmed by the Decision of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia from 28.03.97 14, decision Ministry of construction of Russia from 24.12.96 18-91. — M : NPO OBT, 2004. — 20 p.

6. Recommendations on the device and safe operation ground crane ways: RD 50:48:0075.01.05: — are confirmed by scientific and technical advice NPTS " the Way To " 9/25/2002. — M : ZAO Nauchno-proizvodstvenniy centr "Put-K", 2005. — 148 p.

7. Requirements to the device and safe operation of railway lines gantry cranes: RD 10 — 117 : — are confirmed by the decision of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia from 08.08.95 №41. — M : NPO OBT, 2001. — 20 p.

8. Specifications on designing of bridge electric cranes // М. : Izd. VNIIPTMASH, 1960. — 10 p.

9. Bessekersky, V.A. Theor of systems of automatic control / V.A.Bessekersky, E.P. Priests. — M : Nauka, 1975. — 767 p.

10. Kowalski, B.S. Question of movement of bridge cranes / B.S.Kowalski. –Lugansk: East Ukraine university, 1998. — 39 p.

11. Lobov, N.A. Dynamics of load-lifting cranes / N.A.Lobov. — M : Mashinostroenie — 1987. — 157p.

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13. A beech, V.A. Development of a technique of definition of dynamic loadings of cranes of bridge type on the basis of the analysis of casual fluctuations at movement: dissertation. … Cand.Tech.Sci. — Chelyabinsk, 1986. — 235 p.

14. Ivanov, V.N. Research of influence of a real way and parameters drive wheels on movement of the bridge crane: dissertation. … Cand.Tech.Sci. — Kharkov, 1983. — 204 p.

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16. Fomitchyov, V.F. Development of a technique of definition of dynamic loadings in metalware gantry cranes: dissertation. … Cand.Tech.Sci.-, 1990. — 16 p.

17. Modelling of processes of interaction and a substantiation of rational parameters of elements of system "crane-way": dissertation. … Cand.Tech.Sci. — 1998. — 134 p.

About this article

Authors: Mironov S.V., Kuleshov I.V.

Year: 2011

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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