Prosvirkina I.I., Kulikova E.Yu., Kuleshova R.V. ETHNOMETHODOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL MODEL AS A WAY OF LABOR MIGRANTS LINGUISTIC AND CULTURAL ADAPTATION [№ 1 ' 2020] Russia, as a modern economically developed state, is faced with the need for linguistic and cultural adaptation of migrants, which is impossible without knowledge of the Russian language and culture. Moreover, a migrant needs to pass state testing in a short time — a comprehensive exam, and one of the modules is the Russian language. An exam can not always be passed without prior preparation. The study found that the “portrait” of a modern migrant has changed significantly over the past decade. He was significantly “younger”, therefore, a young man coming to Russia for work does not already have an understanding of a “common country”. The educational system of Russia is unfamiliar to him. There is no motivation to study any “sciences”, since the main purpose of his arrival is to carry out labor activities. To provide professional linguistic and methodological assistance to labor migrants from the Republic of Tajikistan, we have constructed an ethnomethodic model. The model is based on factors that allow you to determine the approach, develop a strategy, select didactic material, choose methods and techniques. Such factors are the personality of the student, the level of his education, ethno-psychological characteristics, mentality. The main approach that formed the basis of the training model for labor migrants from the Republic of Tajikistan was ethnomethodic, the main principles of which are considered to be taking into account national mentality, cultural values and especially the language of students. When creating the training model, two linguistic-educational technologies were used: traditional and blended learning. Thanks to the technology of blended learning, the ELOK Internet resource, an ethnolinguistic online course, was created and introduced into the educational process. The resource potential allows a migrant to use training materials at a convenient time for him. The effectiveness of the ethnomethodic training model for labor migrants from the Republic of Tajikistan, its role for integration into modern Russian society is confirmed by the results of experimental training and the results of state testing. An effective result allows us to talk about the need to create nationally-oriented programs of linguistic and cultural adaptation of foreign citizens.
Dergunov S.A., Orehov S.A. Kuleshov I.V. TO THE ISSUE OF INTRODUCING "SMART HIGHWAY" [№ 5 ' 2015] Construction and improvement of roads has a long history. With the improvement of the means of production have changed the design of roads, methods of construction, expanded the aims and objectives which they served. Modern sector of road economics differs in originality and outstanding appearance of construction forms which are accompanied by the establishment of maximal safety, of optimal microclimate and increased comfort for the individual. The use of advanced design techniques, that consider all possible change factors of different loadings types and operational features of objects, allows implementing the most complex ideas of architects and designers, which is consistent with the transport strategy of Russian Federation. The main task in functioning and development of transport system of Russia is creation of conditions for economic growth, increase of competitiveness of the national economy and quality of life of the population through access to safe and high-quality transport services. Leaders of road-building branch are interested in development of intellectual transport systems which regulate the traffic, control and prevent traffic jams, possess the increased resistance to the environmental influence, at the same time qualitatively supplement an urban environment. Considering the development trend of road-building branch of the Russian Federation, as an associated complex comprising roads and engineering constructions on them, defines the role of "smart" road and roadside areas — an integral component of the architectural expression of the urban landscape. The factors to improve road safety and pedestrian movements on roads new party — "smart highway" with the use of modern information systems and IP-based technologies.
Dikovskaya M.А., Kuleshova O.N., Luksha E.B., Korolenko T.А. SEARCH FOR ADDITIONAL MARKERS FOR THE DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OF INTRAOCULAR TUMORS AND DISEASES, THEIR SIMULATED [№ 4 ' 2013] Analysis of the ultrasound results of 198 patients with acoustic symptom "plus" — tissue in the eye showed that the most common reason for it was uveal melanoma. The estimation of tumor blood flow was held depending on the size of uveal melanoma. Concentration study of protease inhibitor cystatin C in the tear showed an increase in its level in patients with the eye tumors compared to the control.
Mironov S.V., Kuleshov I.V. IMPROVING THE EFFECTIVENESS AND RELIABILITY OF GROUND CRANE WAYS TO OPTIMIZE THEIR GEOMETRICAL PARAMETERS [№ 4 ' 2011] The situation of normative and technical support of the norms requirements of tolerance of horizontal and vertical characteristics of the ground crane ways is investigated in this work. Some inconsistencies and lack of depth to develop a range of requirements of acceptable branching are revealed here. The authors identified critical factors for the efficient and reliable operation of a single mechanical system "Crane — the way". Also they suggest ways to determine the norms of tolerance. It is recommended that requirements for crane way at the design of the crane, depending on the features of their design.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |