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2010, № 11

Belousov K.I. MODEL LINGUISTICS AND THE PROBLEM OF LANGUAGE REALITY MODELLINGThe article is devoted to one of the actual problems of modern linguistics — problem of language reality modeling. The question under consideration is the premises for formation of model linguistics, its subjects and objects. The subject of scientific research is the problem of objective causations revealed in model linguistics with applied linguistic investigations. Computer and experimental science of language. Key words: language reality, modeling, language model, linguistics, approach based on systematic activity.


1. Alyoshina, O.N. Semantic modelling in linguo-metaphor study: the Russian language: Diss Dsc. — Novosibirsk, 2003. — 367 p.

2. Baevskiy, V.S. Linguistic, mathematical, semiotical and computer models in Literature History and Literature Theory / V.S. Baevsky. — M.: Yazyki Slavyanskoy Kultury, 2001. — 336 p.

3. Belousov, K.I. Text synergy: from structure to shape: monograph / K.I. Belousov. — M.: Editorial URSS, 2008. — 248 p.

4. Belousov, K.I. Politics and the image of the world: Gennadiy Zyuganov / K.I. Belousov, N. L. Zelyanskaya // Political marketing. — M., 2008b. — N 9. — P. 62-79.

5. Belousov, K.I. Image and its linguistic reconstruction / K.I. Belousov, N. L. Zelyanskaya // Marketing in Russia and abroad. — M.: Finnpress, 2009. — N 6 (74). — P. 55-65.

6. Boguslavskaya, V.V. Text modelling: linguo-socio-cultural conception: Analysis of journalists' text / V.V. Boguslavskaya. — M.: LKI, 2008. — 280 p.

7. Varzonin, Y. N. Cognitive-communicative model of Rhetoric: Diss Dsc. — Tver', 2001. — 268 p.

8. Greenbaum, O.N. Pushkin's verse harmony and mathematics of harmony /O.N. Greenbaum. — Spb.: SpbGU, 2007. — 28 p.

9. Drozhashchikh, N.V. Synergetic model of iconic space of language: Diss Dsc. — Tyumen', 2006. — 376 p.

10. Zelyanskaya N. L. Dostoevskiy and semiosphere of the Russian prose. F.M. Dostoevskiy's works of 1840-50th in the context of cultural-semiotic tendencies of the age / N. L. Zelyanskaya. — Orenburg: IPK GOU OGU, 2009. — 352 p.

11. Korbut, A.Y., Textosimmetrics: Monograph. / A.Y. Korbut. — Irkutsk: izd-vo Irkut. gos. ped. Un-ta, 2004. — 200 p.

12. Moskalchuk, G.G. Text structure as synergetic process / G.G. Moskaltchuk. — M.: Editorial URSS, 2003. –296 p.

13. Paducheva, E.V. Dynamic models in semantics of lexicon. M.: Yazyki Slavyanskoy Kultury, 2004. — 608 p.

14. Parshina, O.N. Strategies and tactics of language behavior of modern political йlite in Russia: Diss Dsc. — Saratov, 2005. — 325 p.

15. Porter, L.G. Symmetry the Ruler of verse: Start and basis of general theory of poetical structures / L.G. Porter. — Moscow: Yazyki russkoy kultury, 2003. — 255 p.

16. Price of Word: linguistic assessments of mass media texts at court trials on protection of dignity and business reputation / edited by M.V. Gorbanevskiy. — M.: Galereya, 2002. — 336 p.

17. Tchudinov, A.P. Political linguistics: tutorial / A.P. Tchudinov. — M.: Flinta: Nauka, 2008. — 256 p.

18. Shtoff, V.A. Modelling and Philosophy / V.A. Shtoff. — M.; L.: Nauka, 1966. — 304 p.

19. Sheigal, E.I. Semiotics of political discourse: Diss Dsc. — Volgograd, 2000. — 432 p.

20. Shchirova, I.A. Linguistic modelling of cognitive processes in the English psychological prose of the 20th century: Diss Dsc. — Spb., 2001. — 394 p.

21. Yurislinguistica-7: Language as phenomenon of legal communication / edited by N.D. Golev. — Barnaul: Izd-vo Alt. Un-ta, 2005. — 400 p.

22. Yarkho, B.I. Methodology of exact study of Literature: selected works on theory of Literature / B.I. Yarkho. — M.: Yazyki Slavyanskikh Kultur, 2006. — xxxii, 927 p.

About this article

Author: Belousov K.I.

Year: 2010

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
Зарегистрировано в Федеральной службе по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций
Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ: Эл № ФС77-37678 от 29 сентября 2009 г.
Учредитель: Оренбургский государственный университет (ОГУ)
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