№ 12 2006
Natural sciences
Deryabin D.G., Grudinin D.A., Karimov I.F. BASING OF OPTIMAL REGIME OF RECOMBINANT LUMINESCENT BACTERIA’S OPSONIZATION Optimal procedure of recombinant strain Escherichia coli K12 having luxCDABE gene P.leiognathi with using of normal human immunoglobulin in contrast to other potential opsonines (intact and thermoinactivated blood serum, complement) not giving bactericidal effect and minimal changed level of its initial bioluminescence concerning this microorganism is based in this article. It is shown that recombinant strains E.coli opsonizated with given way cause dose-dependent stimulation of luminol-dependent chemiluminescence of neutrophilic phagocytes but at the same contact themselves demonstrate progressive decrease of bioluminescence level the nature of which is determined admittedly with absorption and intracellular killing of bacterial cells.
Khusnutdinova L.M. BIOLOGICAL PROPERTIES MODIFICATION OF BACTERIA IN CONDITIONS OF INDIGENIC AND PATHOGENIC MICROFLORA ASSOCIATIONThe character of intermicrobe interactions among representatives of microbiocenose of mucous tunic of tonsils is studied in this work. It is established that S.aureus strains strengthen factors expression of pathogenicity and persistence of coccus microflora. Key words: microbiocenose, intermicrobe interactions, modification of pathogenicity factors.
Zhurlov O.S., Gritsenko V.A., Chernikov D.A., Gritsenko Ya.V. MORPHOLOGIC-PHYSICAL AND PHYSICAL-CHEMICAL MANIFESTATIONS OF ESCHERICHIA’ ADAPTATION TO BILE AND CATION ANTIMICROBIAL PROTEINS Experimental data revealing peculiarities of changes of morphological-physical and physical chemical characteristics of escherichia at their adaptation to bile and cation antimicrobial proteins of human leucocytes and thrombocytes are given in this article. Key words: Escherichia coli, bile, cation antimicrobial proteins, leukodefencines, thrombodefencines, adaptation, electro-kinetic potential, hydrophoby.
Zurochka A.V., Gorodechny P.P., Gritsenko V.A., Gritsenko Ya.V., Dukardt V.V., Kuzmina E.E. STEADINESS TO CATION "INTERCYDE" LEUKOCYTES PROTEIN OF STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS COPRAISOLATES AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON CHEMOTAXIS OF POLYMORPHONUCLEAR LEUKOCYTES OF PEOPLE WITH STAPHYLOCOCCUS-ASSOCIATED DYSBACTERIOSIS OF BOWELSFecal strain Staphylococcus aureus from people with bowels dysbacteriosis show relatively low level of steadiness to cation leukocytes protein "intercude". In comparison with test-strain S. aureus "Cowan 209" copraisolates S. aureus cause more expressed activation of polymorphonuclear leukocytes of patients from whom they were got. Key words: Staphylococcus aureus, dysbacteriosis of bowels, cation leukocytes proteins, steadiness, polymorphonuclear leukocytes, chemotaxis.
Bukharin O.V., Kirgizova S.B., Kartashova O.L., Potekhina L.P. ANTICARNOSINE ACTIVITY AND ITS ROLE AT MICROORGANISMS’ PERSISTENCE Evidences of anticarnosine activity (ACrA) of bacteria at their persistence are got on the model of experimental staphylococcus infection. The analysis of feature’s prevalence and intensity of clinical bacteria isolate showed that staphylococcus had ACrA predominantly; at the same time the high meanings of the feature were registered at cultures, distinguished from biotope with high concentration of carnosine (olfactory epithelium of mucous tunic of nasal meatus) which had meaning at phenomenon of bacteria carrying of these microorganisms.
Brudastov Yu.A., Bachurskaya N.S., Petrova E.V., Brudastov A.N. BACTERICIDAL EFFECTS OF ACTIVE METABOLITES OF OXYGEN
Bachurskaya N.S., Brudastov Yu.A., Zhurlov O.S. HYDROPHOBIC FEATURES OF MUSHROOMS OF MALASSEZIA TYPE Data about hydrophoby of Malassezia type mushrooms surface isolated from patients with dandruff by branny herpes and seborrheic dermatitis are given in this work. It is shown that mushrooms of Malassezia type distinguished from patients with surface mycosis of skin are characterized with expressed hydrophoby in whole. At the same time reliable pathovariant differences of Malassezia mushrooms at hydrophile-lipophilic balance of their surface are observed. Both as hydrophoby as variability at this feature of Malassezia mushrooms are decreased in the line of microorganisms cultures groups: "dandruff - branny herpes - seborrheic dermatitis".
Chainikova I.N., Smolyagin A.I. CYTOKINES AT INFECTIOUS PROCESS CAUSED WITH SALMONELLAS Data of literature and results of own experimental researches about changes of cytokines products at infection caused with salmonellas including infectious process with their long persistence in organism of master are given in this article.
Konyukhov A.V. STUDY OF REGIONAL STRUCTURE OF BIOLOGICAL RESPONSE OF POPULATION TO IODINE SHORTAGE AND JUSTIFICATION OF NEW CRITERIA IN SEMIOTICS OF HYGIENIC DIAGNOSTICSThe developed methodic scheme of study of regional structure of population’s biological response to iodine shortage is presented. New criteria in semiotics of hygienic diagnostics on the basis of calculated regularities of population’s biological response are justified. Key words: regional structure of biological response, iodine shortage.
Ivanova I.Yu., Solovykh G.N., Amelina L.V., Tomilina I.I., Prokhorova I.M. EVALUATION OF TOXIC AND MUTAGENIC FEATURES OF BOTTOM DEPOSITS OF URAL AND SAKMARA RIVERS IN THE AREA OF THE LARGE INDUSTRIAL CENTER (ORENBURG)In the bottom deposits of Ural and Sakmara rivers in the area of the large industrial center – Orenburg the presence of substances able to exert toxic and mutagenic influence on test objects was determined. Presence of such substances in grounds is indicative of a source of chronic pollution of rivers in the surveyed area. Comparison of data obtained on toxicogenetic tests using Chlorella vulgaris, Allium cepa, Drozophila melanogaster indicated that level and scope of mutagenic pollution of bottom deposits are changing depending from the term and place of sampling.
Nilova E.S., Ni G.V. BIOLOGICAL VARIETY OF CRUSTACEA CLASS IN SOUTH URAL RIVERS DEPENDING FROM YEAR SEASONS AND WATER CHEMISMThe characteristics of biological variety of Crustacea class of South Ural rivers depending from year seasons and water chemism is given.
Bussygin I.G. ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS OF PROCESSING OF SULFUR CONTAINING RAW MATERIAL OF GAS CONDENSATE FIELDSProcessing of sulfur containing raw material of gas condensate fields is connected with solution of various problems in stabilization, sulfur treatment and gas draining before supply to pipe main. An extremely important role here belongs to the issues of environmentally safe utilization of sulfureous compounds and other wastes. This is a whole set technical matters which can be successfully and economically solved only with regard to balanced approach to raw material quality analysis, existing sulfur treatment technologies and standard indicators of commodity output quality.
Talipov A.N., Yanbaev Yu.A. MORPHOLOGIC AND GENETIC DIFFERENTIATION OF MELIFEROUS BEE IN BASHKIR TRANS-URAL REGIONThe morphologic and genetic variety of meliferous bee (Apis mellifera L.) at the territory of Bashkir Trans-Ural region and mountain-forest part of South Ural was studied. It was determined that genetic fund of the population within the region’s limits is heterogeneous. It can be connected with uncontrolled delivery of bees from other regions. Differences in morphologic and genetic mutability of Bashkir Trans-Ural region extracts and Burzyan wild-hive bee was detected which is a threat to its genetic fund.
Roussanov A.M., Novozhenin I.A., Yurov S.A. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING OF SOILS AS A CONSTITUENT PART OF MONITORING OF ORENBURG REGION LANDSMethodic issues of organization of Orenburg Region lands monitoring as a constituent part of general environmental monitoring are being reviewed. Arguments for the use of performance of a set of measures on soils and region’s soil cover monitoring within the limits of land monitoring are brought. Scientific and practical results of land and soil monitoring are stated, as well as certain directions of improvement of the region’s territory monitoring service.
Kozminykh V.O., Goncharov V.I., Kozminykh E.N., Oborin D.B., Lomidze K.Sh., Berezin A.N. SYNTHESIS OF BILOGICALLY ACTIVE 3-INDOLYL DERIVATIVES OF QUINOXALINE AND PYRIDO[2,3-B]PYRAZINE BY REACTION OF 2-(2-OXO-1,2-DIHYDRO-3H-INDOL-3-ILYDEN)ACETATES WITH 1,2-DIAMINE CYCLOHEXANE AND 2,3-DIAMINE PYRIDINEEthers of 2-(2-oxo-1,2-dihydro-3H-indol-3-ilyden)acetic acids interact with 1,2-diamine cyclohexane or 2,3-diamine pyridine, forming with preparative yield 2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-3-ilderivatives of octahydroquinoxaline-2(1H)-one and pyrido[2,3-b]pyrazine-3(2H)-one possessing strong antimicrobic activity. The structure of obtained compounds determined with the help of IK, YaMR 1H spectroscopy and mass-spectroscopy methods is being discussed.
Shvindt V.I., Kalimullin F.I., Levakhin V.I., Iskhakov R.G., Popov V.V. INFLUENCE OF ANTI-STRESS PREPARATIONS ON DIGESTION AND METABOLISM IN RUMINANT ORGANISMIn experiment on a model of young horned cattle the action of optimal dosing of three anti-stress preparations (Migugen, Diludin, Krezival) on digestibility and metabolism in animal organism was studied. A well-marked influence of the estimated substances on feed digestibility and interstitial exchange was detected. The estimated influence was the most significantly characteristic for Migugen and Krezival.
Aglyulina A.R., Zhukov A.P., Radaev I.V. AGE GHANGES IN CALF BLOOD MORPHOLOGY FROM TECHNOGENIC PROVINCE OF ORENBURG REGIONThe impact of adverse environmental factors on blood morphology of various age calf groups (form birth to 6-month age) compared to reference group from Orenburg Region farms. Content of erythrocytes in calf blood from environmentally clean area exceeded the analogous indicator of their contemporaries from technogenic province for 9-15%, content of hemoglobin – for 9-12%, leucocytes – for 7-8%.
Kouznetsov A.V. PECULIARITIES OF SUPRARENAL GLAND BLOOD SUPPLY OF THE ORENBURG FLUFFY GOATThe suprarenal gland veins of the Orenburg fluffy goat were for the first time studied with experimental methods, their microcirculation beds, ways of blood and hormone outflow were determined.
Samoilova V.V., Seitov M.S., Bikteev Sh.M. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ORENBURG FLUFFY GOAT GALL IN ONTOGENESISThe physical and chemical features of the Orenburg fluffy goat gall in the age aspect were studied. Certain changes in basic characteristics in ontogenesis depending of animal age, keeping and feeding conditions were detected. Data of the study are brought down for the first time and can be used as tests in diagnosing of metabolism and gastrointestinal diseases.
Ismagilova A.F., Belova I.A. TOXICO-PHARMACOLOGICAL FEATURES OF THE NEW PREPARATION "POLIZON" AND ITS INFLUENCE ON BIRD ORGANISMThe article contains information on the study of toxico-pharmacological features of the new probiotic "Polizon". The results of researches on the study of "Polizon" sharp toxicity, its influence on the course and duration of rat pregnancy and on lipid peroxide oxidation processes are brought down. The data on stimulating influence of "Polizon" on average daily chicken growth, on size and mass of chicken internal organs are presented.
Choub S.V. INFLUENCE OF NON-GLYCOSIDIC CARDIOTONIC DOBUTAMINUM ON ION REGULATING FUNCTION OF RAT KIDNEYSb1-adrenomimetic Dobutaminum causes increase of diuresis, natriuresis and Potassium loss with urine of rats, which is the result of its cardiotonic action leading to increase of blood flow in kidney cortex and external brain substance. RAS antagonists Enalapril and Lozartan strengthen the inhibiting influence of Dobutaminum on Sodium reabsorption in kidneys and potentiate its diuretic, natriuretic and potassiumuretic effects.
Shourygina O.V., Yamshchikov N.V., Krouglyakov P.P. REACTIVE CHANGES IN VAGINA MUSCULAR APPARATUS OF WHITE NON-BREED RATS IN EXPERIMENTAL COLPECTASIA CONDITIONSThe authors have studied structural-functional characteristics of muscular tissues in experimental dosed colpectasia. The conducted histologic analysis by light and electronic microscopy methods permitted to detect characteristic peculiarities of reparative regeneration of muscular tissues.
Mikhailov S.N., Zheleznov L.M., Mikhailov A.N. BIOLOGICAL TISSUE FIXATION AGENTThe article is devoted to a vital anatomy problem – creation of biological tissue fixation agent. The agent’s composition includes an organic substance – 1,1 diethoxymethane in which Sodium, Potassium, Calcium chlorides with different mass shares, concentrations, volumes are dissolved. The positive features of the agent are: minimal traumatism of organs and tissues, 5-year fixation time, pH of the solution is seven (pH=7.0), the liquid is not oxidizing or decomposing in the air.
Mourzabekova F.A. COMPARATIVE RESULTS OF CORNEA ULCER TREATMENT BY DIFFERENT WAYS OF KERATOCOVERINGThe work presents a new technique of keratocovering using lyophilized amniotic shell in various cornea ulcer processes. It was clinically determined that this method provides not only the longest contact of AS with injured cornea but also the closest contact of amnion with patient’s cornea, which makes it possible to use all known useful features of amnion at maximum: regenerating, anti-virus, antibacterial, immunosuppressive. With all patients efficient results were received concerning cornea and inflammatory process cupping, visual acuity increase and cornea ulcer defects cuticularization.
Agadzhanyan N.A., Tell L.Z., Lysenkov S.P., Sosnovskiy D.G., Shastoun S.A. CORRECTIVE INFLUENCE OF HIGH CO2 CONCENTRATIONS AT TROPHIC DISORDERS IN LOWER EXTREMITY TISSUES AT HYPERGLYCEMIA BACKGROUNGThe article is devoted to corrective influence of high carbon dioxide concentrations on lower extremity tissues. Carbon dioxide plays a significant role in regulation of the organism’s physiological functions. The attempt of using natural metabolites for regulating these or that organism’s functions open a wide prospect and possibility of influencing this or that area of cutaneous coverings through direct skin contact with carbon dioxide. The specificity of carbon dioxide action is in marked oxygenizing effect of lower extremity tissues. Local carbon dioxide impact on injured extremity is accompanied by blood circulation improvement, tissue hypoxia reduction.
Matchin A.A., Kozlov V.A. THE ROLE OF GENERAL PRACTICE DOCTOR (FAMILY DOCTOR) IN TREATMENT AND AFTER-TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH MALIGNANT NEOPLASMS OF ORAL CAVITY MUCOSAThe understanding of the role of general practice doctor (family doctor) in matters of prophylaxis, diagnostics, treatment and after-treatment of patients with malignant neoplasms of oral cavity mucosa (OCM) is given. Symptoms permitting to suspect and diagnose tumor in oral cavity are detailed. Professional factors counter-indicative for patients after radical treatment of OCM cancer are pointed. Matters of labor expertise, recovery treatment of patients are being discussed.
Soukhanova I.V. PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT AND PARAMETERS OF CARDIORESPIRATORY SYSTEM OF NIU STUDENTS IN DIFFERENT YEAR SEASONSReduction of stop force, Stange’s test time and increase of lung vital capacity was detected at the Northern International University students in spring time (May) compared to autumn (October). In autumn the increase in arterial pressure level, cardiac frequency, blood circulation index, reduction of systolic blood volume and growth of activity of vegetative nervous system parasympathetic section were noted.
Chourkin S.A. PECULIARITIES OF SPECIALIZED AID TO PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS PATIENTS OF ADVANCED AND SENILE AGEThe growth of share of advanced and senile aged people in age population structure of Russia requires development of new forms of medical aid. A sociologic interrogation was conducted among older persons with a view to justify opening of geriatric departments in anti-tuberculosis dispensaries. The questioning has detected the social portrait of patents, nosological tuberculosis structure, treatment duration and patients’ satisfaction with organization of specialized aid.
Makhankov O.V., Soumerkina V.A. DYNAMICS OF MORPHOLOGICAL CHANGES IN SKIN BURN WOUND AFTER APPLICATION WITH LIVER EMBRYONAL TISSUE EXTRACT AND IMPACT OF LOWINTENSIVE LASER RADIATION (EXPERIMENTAL STUDY)The article describes the study of influence of humoral regulators of embryonal morphogenesis and lowintensive laser radiation on the process of skin burn wound adhesion.
Stadnikov A.A., Matchin A.A. ULTRASTRUC-TURAL CHARACTERISTICS OF MICROCIRCULA- TORY BED AND CELLULAR SKIN ELEMENTS OF ORAL CAVITY CANCER PATIENTS IN TREATMENT COMPLEX CONDITIONSIt is demonstrated using light optic and electronic-microscopic methods that preoperative radial therapy of oral cavity cancer patients result in limiting of regenerator potencies of tissue structures and aggravates hemodynamic disorders in microcirculatory bed. One of the basic pathogenetic mechanisms of destabilizing and degenerative changes in radiated tissues are the disorders in membrane compartments of endotheliocytes, fibroblasts, epitheliocytes and intercellular elements of conjunctive tissue leading to lipid substrate unmasking.
Balashova S.V. DEPENDENCE OF PSYCHOPATHOLOGIC AND PATHOPSYCHOLOGIC PICTURE OF SOMATOFORM DISORDERS FROM THE TYPE OF A PERSON’S EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCE8 types of emotional specificity of a person’s experience are detected at patients with somatoform disorders. Their role in pathogenesis of the given disorders is determined. Authentic differences between five types of emotional experience are detected on pathopsychologic study results and on connection with concomitant neurotic syndromes.
Biktina N.N. CORRECTION OF DISPLAYS OF DESADAPTIVE STATE OF 6-7 YEAR CHILDREN IN PSYCHOLOGICAL-MEDICAL-SOCIAL SUPPORT CENTER CONDITIONSThe article considers the problem of prevention and correction of desadaptive state displays of preschool children in Psychological-Medical-Social Children Support Center conditions. Methods and results of study of desadaptive state displays of 6-7 year children, results of approbation of complex program of correction of desadaptive state displays of children in the Center conditions.
Voznyuk O.A. ALARMING-DEPRESSIVE DISORDERS OF PATIENTS WITH CARDIAC RHYTHM DISORDERSExpression of affective pathology at patients with arrhythmias depending of the type of cardiac rhythm and etiology was determined. 223 patients with different cardiac rhythm disorders at ischemic heart disease (IHD) background, myocarditic cardiosclerosis, myocardiodystrophia were surveyed. Depression diagnostics was conducted by BDI, CES-D scale. Uneasiness was estimated by Spielberg scale. Patients with implanted cardiostimulator and paroxysmal auricle fibrillation form are subject to alarming-depressive disorders most of all.
Gardanova Zh.R. ALARMING-DEPRESSIVE DISORDERS OF WOMEN IN EXTRACORPORAL FERTILIZATION PROGRAMApplication of auxiliary reproductive technologies at the current stage of sterility treatment by extracorporal fertilization method (EFM) permits many married couples to get the desired pregnancy. In the course of EFM procedure patients experience a high level of alarm, depression develops. Psychotherapeutic correction permits to improve psychic condition of patients, contributes to increase of efficiency of EFM program implementation.
Koutloubaeva E.R. TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH POLYCYSTIC OVARY SYNDROM WITH REGARD TO HORMONALSTATUS AND EXCHANGE PROCESSESThe article considers the problem of reproductive health of patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. It contains modern understanding of this disease etiopathogenesis, clinico-laboratory characteristics of patients, as well as medicamental ways of fertility recovery depending of hormonal status and exchange disorders of patients having this pathology.
Dronova O.B. GASTROESOPHAGEAL REFLUX DISEASE (DISCUSSION QUESTIONS OF ENDOSCOPIC ANATOMY OF ESOPHAGEAL-GASTRIC TRANSITION AND NECESSITY OF ANTIHELICOBACTER THERAPY. LITERATURE REVIEW)The article presents discussion questions concerning endoscopic anatomy of esophageal-gastric transition, diagnostics and treatment of this disease. Key words: gastroesophageal reflux disease, esophageal-gastric transition, Z-line.
Ozerskaya O.S., Levitskaya E.N. MESOTHERAPY OF ACNE VULGARISAcne disease abundance among young population leading to their desadaptation, life quality deterioration, dropping out of active social life causes the necessity of search for new and efficient methods of this pathology treatment. Mesotherapy is one of such directions. It permits (practically avoiding iatrogenic effect) to treat patients locally, with pathogenetically justified preparations, influencing through biologically active points on the whole organism in general. Developed and suggested schemes of acne mesotreatment have shown high efficiency of this therapy.
Konyukhov V.A. METHODIC APPROACHES TO EXPRESS ECOLOGICAL-HYGIENIC DIAGNOSTICS IN MINIMIZATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RISKS OF HAZARDOUS ELECTROMAGNETIC IMPACTTheoretic justification of basic concepts of electromagnetic ecology is given, and developed methodic approaches on express ecological-hygienic diagnostics, first results of approbation in the Orenburg State University conditions are presented on this basis.
Souetnova Yu.Yu., Setko N.P. PRCULIARITIES OF FUNCTIONAL STATE OF CITY AND VILLAGE TEENAGER ORGANISMThe article gives the data of studies of anthropometrical parameters and functional state of basic systems of city and village 14-17 year teenager organism. The analysis of study results permitted to evaluate functional reserves and strain degree of regulatory mechanisms of integrative activity of cardiovascular teenager system.
Redyukov A.V. USE OF BALANCED SYSTEM OF INDICATORS IN DETERMINATION OF MUNICIPAL HEALTH SERVICE EFFICIENCYThe article considers the possibility of determination of municipal health service efficiency using the balanced system of indicators.
Kasprouk L.I. SECONDARY MEDICAL EDUCATION IN HEALTH SERVICE REFORMING CONDITIONSThe article is devoted to peculiarities of secondary medical education reforming in new economic conditions. The expediency of review of the existing curriculums, their re-orientation and development of new ones is justified by results of the conducted study.
Komarov N.N. PHARMACOECONOMIC PECULIARITIES OF ARTERIAL HYPERTENSION TREATMENT BY SEPARATE PREPARATION GROUPS IN AMBULATORY CONDITIONSComparative pharmacoeconomic evaluation of various schemes of arterial hypertension treatment using inhibitors of angiotensin converting ferment of lysinopryl, phosinopryl, as well as agonist of imidazoline receptors of rilmenydine at 89 patients in ambulatory conditions was conducted. The obtained data reflect the highest clinico-pharmacoeconomic efficiency of phosinopryl.
Vakoulyuk V.M., Konyukhov V.A., Makarova T.M., Broudastov Yu.A., Nasteka N.L., Konyukhov A.V., Dolgikh E.V., Dmitrieva L.A., Moukhamedzhanova Yu.H. UNIVERSITY MODEL OF SOCIAL-HYGIENIC MONITORING (SHM) OF STUDENT AND EMPLOYEE HEALTHMethodological aspects of university model development and justification of unified methodical scheme of social-hygienic monitoring of health of students and employees of multi-field university are considered. Organizational, structural and functional flow charts of monitoring implementation are presented.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |