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Orenburg State University february 24, 2025   RU/EN
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№ 1 1999

Humanitarian sciences

Bondarenko V.A. THE UNIVERSITY DEVELOPMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF THE SOCIO-CULTURAL DYNAMICS OF THE COUNTRY AND REGION In this article the necessity of the broadening of the regional university regarding the perspective development of all the branches of national economy is well-grounded. The author uses the experience of the US regional universities where the educational programs are adapted to the concrete economic and industrial needs. Successes achieved by Orenburg State University in this direction are also summed up in the article. The author maps out concrete measures, and lays down a program of the further perspective of the fundamental science of Orenburg region on the basis of the technological progress of the regional national economy.
Kiryakova A.V. VALUE CONCEPTION OF THE PERSON ORIENTATION IN THE WORLD OF EDUCATION The notion of value is a key-word in axiology as a theory of values. However it is also very important in education while the orientation of a person in the world at large is dependant on his/her orientation in the world of values.
Zelenskaya L.L. CULTURAL ASPECTS OF EDUCATION The author analyses the historical background and the current situation in higher education in Russia. For many decades education had to meet the goals and needs of the ruling party. Now that Russia has undergone drastic changes education is facing new problems including humanization, differentiation, individualization and integration. Because of these new concerns there is a problem of creating a new university environment since it is impossible to educate new generations of professionals with a different human mentality within the old system. A university student should be "placed" in the crossroads of educational, scientific and cultural segments of the new university environment.

Natural sciences

Kucherenko M.G. BROWNIAN RANDOM WALKS AND ALIKE ELECTRONIC EXCITATIONS ANNIHILATION KINETICS A formal description of annihilation kinetics of alike quasi-particles is developed in the work on the basis of methods of Brownian motion theory. The probability of particle survival for given realization of its Wiener's path is determined. Observed time dependence of survival probability are presented as statistical average of different the random walk. A variant of kinetics description with the account of the dispersion of volume is considered. Small impact on the asymptotic stage of kinetics is analysed. The conclusion of another authors about the fluctuation stage of reaction kinetics is confirmed.
Stryapkov A.V., Podosenov D.E., Koshchei E.V. INVESTIGATION OF JOINT HYDROLYSIS OF CERIUM (III) WITH FERRUM (III) Precipitation composition produced by joint hydrolisis precipitating of cerium(III) with ferrum(III) from sulfate solutions under various pH has been studied. It is found that bond strength of cerium(III) with precipitation is great enough and only ions presented in the solution are recovered with cationite KУ-2х8. The mechanism of coprecipitating included acidic properties of joint ion strengthening and formation of covalent bonds is suggested.
Tsytzura A.A., Starokozheva E.A. ABOUT THE APPLICATION OF THE MECHANIC-CHEMICAL APPROACH TO THE DESCRIPTION OF THE HETEROCHOAGULATION OF THE DUST AEROSOL WITH DISPERSAL LIQUIDS This article considers the existing theories of describing the processes of the heterochoagulation of aerosols with dispersal liquids and mechanic chemical approach to the description of the above mentioned process offered by the authors of the article
Rychko O.C. IMPROVED STRUCTURAL-FUNCTIONAL SCHEME OF REGISTRATION AND FORECASTING OF PHYTOHYDROTERMIC CONDITIONS IN ARID AGROLANDSCAPES The system of special methods of estimation and algorithms for calculation of the basic vegetable, water and thermal factors, forming phytohydrotermic conditions of vegetation of cultured plants in arid regions is offered.

Economic sciences

Lapaeva M.G. THE DEVELOPMENT OF FREE ENTERPRISES IN THE ORENBURG REGION The article describes the experience of the free enterprise development in the Orenburg province (1743-1917) in different fields of economic industry, agriculture, trade, banking. The author describes the role of the free enterprise qualities of the population in the economic development and names some prominent businessmen in the Orenburg province. The author also underlines the peculiarities of the forms in free enterprise and business innovative function which was widely dispersed between numerous participants of the economic processes.

Technical sciences

Fot A.P. DYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF MULTIPOSITIONAL PROVING EQUIPMENT The article considers one of the aspects of multipositional equipment designing regarding interdependence of separate units (outfits and mechanisms) in the given equipment operation and current dynamic processes. Disrespect of interdependence effect may cause negative results and unnecessary expenditure for the elimination of consequences through the designer's mistake. Widely spread computer technologies based upon mathematical modeling of the given structure and computer experiment eliminate labour input of multipositional equipment calculations. This method has been first applied by the author in the evaluation of dynamic properties of multipositional tearing machines (MTM) intended for corrosion and mechanical testing of material specimen. The calculation results of machine parameters according to the proposed dynamic model showed that the dynamic model MTM in comparison with the simplified static model gives much more information about the load changes in a specimen. The machine design rationality as well as the expediency of MTM usage in corrosion and mechanical testing of materials have been testified.
Rassokha V.I. SYSTEMATIC MAINTENANCE OF FATIGUE BENCH-TESTS OF VEHICLE FRAME METAL CONSTRUCTION UNITS The loading scheme for fatigue bench-tests of longeron section junction unit and cross-beam site of vehicle welded frame has been developed. The expressions for the size definition of unit elements as well as the parameters of testing unit strength loader, which provides the parameters similarity of fatigue destruction process with the operational one, have been inferred.
Kolinichenko A.F. ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION: YESTERDAY, TODAY, TOMORROW The author of the article proves the important role of architecture and construction in solvina global problems of survival of the humanity. He shows the main stages of the development of the science of construction, its role and place in the scientific and technological progress. Social, technical and aesthetic aspects presented by the author show general rules of human activity in the sphere of architecture and construction in the forthcoming century.
Shevelenko V.D., Shevelenko D.V, Kvitek E.V. FILTRATION OF MEASURING SIGNALS BY MEANS OF FORMING THE QUOTIENT SUMS OF FURJE ROWS This article describes the spectral method of filtration of measuring signals founded on the possibility to reduce (to cancel) the volumes of transformations over a signal by means of transition from the basis of harmonic functions to the basis in the form of Dirichle nucleus. Correlations providing the realisation of the filtre property of orthorationing basis by means of the reproducing the Dirichle nucleus in the form of the amplitude-modulated oscillation were received. The authors show the possibility of the practical realisation of the filtre device and assess its errors.
Polyshchuk V., Sagitov R. FEATURES OF THE AUGER PRESSING GEAR OIL PRESS In the present article the mathematical model of flow of an oil-yielding material in the channel auger oil press is considered. The introduced model allows to define four arguments of effect - productivity of the pressing gear, power of forces of useful resistance, power consumption of process of squeezing and gain which is operational on end-effectors (axial force or a torque). The described mathematical model after its verification can be utilised for optimization of pressing gears at the stage of initial designing oil presses.
Sidorenko G., Popov V., Kasperovitch V. THE INVESTIGATION THE BAKING DISTINCTIONS OF THE CRUST-FREE BREAD ON THE BASIS OF THE SYSTEM APPROACH This article represents the results of investigation in improving the production technology of the crust-free bread by means of electrocontact baking method. Optimal technological conditions of bread making are given. The article describes the results of studying kinetics of electrocontact baking process. The chemical compound of different bread kinds was also investigated. The biological expertise was carried out and the optimal conditions for storing the crust-free bread were established.
Pishchukhin A.M. SYSTEM CONSTITUENT CONSENTANEITY AND METHODS OF ITS ACHIEVEMENT One of the main properties of systems - constituent consentaneity (elements, interrelations, purposes) is considered in this article. The classification of consentaneity types is proposed as well as the available mathematical device and the difficulties of its usage are considered. The analysis system consentaneity achievement has resulted in a conclusion about the advantages of three approaches: optimization, adaptation and selection. The application spheres and terms of consentaneity methods have been touched upon.

Science events

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
Зарегистрировано в Федеральной службе по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций
Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ: Эл № ФС77-37678 от 29 сентября 2009 г.
Учредитель: Оренбургский государственный университет (ОГУ)
Главный редактор: С.А. Мирошников
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