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November 2024, № 4 (244), pages 52-59

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-244-52

Kolosova T.A., Goncharova V.A. DIFFERENTIATION AND VERBALIZATION OF EMOTIONS BY OLDER PRESCHOOLERS WITH GENERAL SPEECH UNDERDEVELOPMENTThe presence of increased anxiety, immaturity of social emotions, primitive emotional response, high degree of emotional tension in combination with depressed mood, reduced attention to the emotional state of other people and demonstration of insufficient emotional responsiveness is considered as one of the most complete characteristics of the emotional sphere of children. With some coverage of the structure of the defect in speech pathology, there is clearly a lack of research on the mediation of mental processes in the course of mental development. The study of the features of the development of the emotional sphere in older preschool children diagnosed with general speech underdevelopment, in particular, understanding, differentiation and verbalization of emotions became the goal of the study. We conducted a psychodiagnostic study of emotional development in older preschool children diagnosed with general speech underdevelopment. Preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment are distinguished, on the one hand, by a reduced emotional background, they are characterized by sluggish reactions, apathy. Many children with speech disorders are characterized by violent reactions, rapid change of emotions, active expression of feelings and emotions, demonstrativeness of their manifestation. The hypothesis of the study was that the understanding, differentiation and verbalization of emotions in older preschoolers diagnosed with


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About this article

Authors: Kolosova T.A., Goncharova V.A.

Year: 2024

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-244-52

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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