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June 2020, № 3 (226), pages 64-80

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-226-64

Sikorska G.A., Dzhukashev K.R., Kryuchkova I.V. ABOUT THE PROBLEM OF IMPROVING THE MATHEMATICAL EDUCATION QUALITY AND PROPOSALS FOR ITS OVERCOMINGThe concept of the development of mathematical education in the Russian Federation has set the task — to bring Russian mathematical education to a leading position in the world; the role of mathematics is determined — the most important component of world scientific and technological progress; a direct dependence of the success of Russia of the 21st century on the level of mathematical science, mathematical education and mathematical literacy of the entire population is recorded. The article reveals the conditions of graduate competitiveness upon admission to any universities of the country; the shortcomings of the educational system of the Orenburg region are revealed; the relevance of developing the theory, concept and methodology of the process of innovative improving the quality of mathematical education of high school students is substantiated. The necessity of creating an educational center, a methodological association for the development of effective forms of achieving results, contributing to the dissemination of experience in the accumulation and transfer of best practices for the development of mathematical education of high school students, updating and transferring the best methodological experience of training teachers teaching mathematics in specialized physics and mathematics classes is substantiated. The planned project will allow updating educational programs, creating an educational product based on modern information technologies. The purpose of the educational product is the development of students' mathematical thinking, providing high school students with high-quality mathematical preparation for the exam at a profile level.Key words: mathematical education; graduate competitiveness; education system; the quality of the mathematical education of high school students; project; Education Centre; educational product; information Technology; USE in mathematics at the profile level.


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About this article

Authors: Sikorskaya G.A., Dzhukashev K.R., Kryuchkova I.V.

Year: 2020

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-226-64

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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