Efremov I.V ASSESSMENT OF THE RISK OF CONTAMINATION OF SOIL AND PLANT SYSTEMS WITH HEAVY METALS UNDER ANTHROPOGENIC INFLUENCEOne of the tasks of ecology is to control heavy metal pollution of soils and plants in various industrial regions. By entering the food chain through cultivated plants, heavy metals pose a real threat to human health, given the ability of metals to accumulate in tissues and organs. An important task of environmental science is to study the migration properties of heavy metals in various soil and plant systems and to develop on this basis predictive models of heavy metals behavior in the natural environment. In this paper, the author on the basis of analytical studies on the content of mobile forms of heavy metals in the components of various soil and plant systems, calculated the risks of soil and plant pollution by the previously proposed method. The integral and differential indices of migration properties of heavy metals are mathematically justified. On the basis of the results, the proposed assumption about the selectivity of the migration properties of heavy metals in different soil-plant systems was confirmed. The obtained data about the risk of contamination of soils and plants with heavy metals allows to predict the phyto-remediation of contaminated land, allow us to determine the rate of negative impact on soil and plants hold ranking soil-plant systems on migration ability.Key words: Heavy metals, soil and plant systems, modeling, migration properties of heavy metals, pollution risk, integrated assessment of migration properties of heavy metals.
1. Efremov I.V. Modelirovanie pochvenno-rastitel'nyh sistem (monografi ya) [Modeling of soil and plant systems] Moscow: Izdatel'stvo LKI, 2008, 152 p. ISBN 978-5-382-00712-0.
2. Efremov I.V. Kuz'min O. N. Ocenka migracii tyazhelyh metallov v pochvenno-rastitel'nyh sistemah Ezhemesyachnyj obshchestvennyj nauchno-tekhnicheskij zhurnal «Ekologiya i promyshlennost' Rossii» [Monthly public scientifi c and technical journal «Ecology and industry of Russia»] - Moscow, January, 2010. pp. 36 – 38.
3. Efremov I.V, Kuz'min O. N., Kolobova E. A., Savchenkova E. E., Perekrestova E. N., Kushnareva O. P. Normirovanie antropogennogo vliyaniya na pochvenno-rastitel'nye sistemy Estestvoznanie i gumanizm Tom 6, № 1. [Collection of scientifi c works «the modern world, nature and man»]. Tomsk, 2010. pp. 55 – 56.
4. Efremov I.V., Kolobova E. A., Kuz'min O. N., Savchenkova E. E., Perekrestova E. N., Kushnareva O. P. Veroyatnostnoe modelirovanie processov vzaimodejstviya komponentov sistemy pochva-rastenie Estestvoznanie i gumanizm Tom 6, № 1. [Collection of scientifi c works «the Modern world, nature and man»]. Tomsk, 2010. pp. 65 – 67.
5. Efremov I.V.Kuzmin O. N., Kolobova E. A., Savchenkova E. E. Normirovanie antropogennoj nagruzki territorij prirodno-tekhnicheskih system Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferenciya «Nauka i obrazovanie: fundamental'nye osnovy, tekhnologii, innovacii» [International scientific conference «Science and education: fundamentals, technologies, innovations»]. Orenburg: Orenburg State University, 2010. pp. 1 – 3.
6. Efremov I.V. Kuz'min O.N., Kolobova E.A., Dudorov V.E. Modelirovanie antropogennoj nagruzki na prirodno-tekhnicheskie sistemy I Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferenciya: sbornik nauchnyh statej «Ekologicheskie problemy prirodnyh i antropogennyh territorij».[ I international scientifi c and practical conference: collection of scientifi c articles «Ecological problems of natural and anthropogenic territories»].Cheboksary, tipografi ya «Novoe vremya», 2011. pp. 167 – 168.
7. Efremov I.V. Kuz'min O.N., Dudorov V.E. Modelirovanie processov vzaimodejstviya komponentov sistemy pochva-rastenie I Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferenciya: sbornik nauchnyh statej «Ekologicheskie problemy prirodnyh i antropogennyh territorij». [I international scientifi c and practical conference: collection of scientifi c articles «Ecological problems of natural and anthropogenic territories»] Cheboksary, tipografi ya «Novoe vremya», 2011. pp. 168 – 169. ISBN 978-5-4246-0057-9.
8. Efremov I.V. Kuz'min O.N., Kolobova E.A. Modelirovanie processov migracii tyazhelyh metallov v pochvenno-rastitel'nyh sistemah Nauchno proizvodstvennyj zhurnal № 1. «Agrarnaya Rossiya». [Scientifi c and production journal No. 1. «Agrarian Russia»]- Moscow. «Folium», 2011. pp. 13 – 20.
9. Efremov I.V., Rahimova N.N., Efremova E.G., Savchenkova E.E., Gafarova K.YA. Matematicheskoe modelirovanie migracii radionuklidov v pochvenno-rastitel'nyh kompleksah Orenburzh'ya Vestnik orenburgskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. [Vestnik of the Orenburg state University].2005. № 9 (47). pp. 129-133.
10. Efremov I.V Biofi zicheskij monitoring i ekologicheskij status sistem «pochva-rastenie» pri antropogennom vozdejstvii (monografi ya) [Biophysical monitoring and ecological status of soil-plant systems under anthropogenic impact (monograph)]. N. Novgorod, VGIPU, 2011. p. 248. ISBN 978-5-88820-637-9.
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14. Efremov I.V., Gamm A.A., Gamm T.A. Tekhnologiya utilizacii vyburennoj porody Vestnik orenburgskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. [Bulletin of the Orenburg state University].2011. № 6 (125). pp. 181-184.
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About this article
Author: Efremov I.V.
Year: 2018
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |