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February 2019, № 1 (219), pages 21-26

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-219-21

Muhamedzhanova N.M. EDUCATION IN THE MULTI-ETHNIC SOCIETYModern Russian education is experiencing another round of reform in accordance with global development trends. However, how much does the new education model meet the demands of Russia as a unique civilized formation? The answer to this question is directly related to the aspects for the development of not only education, but also the whole of Russian society.
The basic feature of the Russian “frontier” civilization is the dominance of the diversity principle over the unity principle, due to the multi-ethnic and multi-religious nature of Russia. Therefore, the main task of state power at all stages of development of Russia was the task of strengthening the spiritual unity of the peoples of the empire, which was carried out by various methods, including through education.
The education reform of the period of Alexander , which presupposed the translation of the Bible into the native languages of the peoples of the empire, as well as the system of “foreign” education of N.I. Ilminsky, implemented in the 60–70s of the 19th century among the peoples of the East of Russia, was subordinated to this goal. However, these attempts at spiritual integration of a confessionally diverse Russian society based on the Orthodox faith had a powerful unplanned effect — the intensification of the country’s ethnic and cultural dynamics.
In the Soviet period, when the state embarked on the formation of a single historical community “Soviet people”, education became a means of cultural unification of the peoples of the country, which would be later one of the reasons for strengthening separatist sentiments in the national republics and the destruction of the integrity of the once united state.
Now, the education system in Russia actively introduces various innovations, not trying to find out their importance for the development of society and compliance with the cultural specifics of the country. As a result, the basic characteristics of the new education model are in conflict with the civilizational characteristics of the “frontier” civilization. In my opinion, such uncritical borrowing of educational models created in mono-ethnic Western societies is becoming a factor in the decline of the country's ethnic and cultural security.
Key words: “frontier” civilization, the multi-ethnic and multi-religious nature, the spiritual unity, education, cultural unification, ethnic and cultural security.


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About this article

Author: Muhamedzhanova N.M.

Year: 2019

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-219-21

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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