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August 2018, № 6 (218), pages 91-96

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-218-91

Fomina M.V., Mikhaylova E.A., Aznabaeva L.M., Kirgizova S.B., Zherebyateva О.О. THE COMMUNICATIVE COMPONENT OF EDUCATIONAL CONTENT IN THE ASPECT OF CORPORATE CULTURE MEDICAL UNIVERSITYProfessional medical activity has a number of specific features, its success is determined not only by professional knowledge and skills, but also interpersonal communication skills. In connection with the increasing requirements to the level of communicative competence of a specialist, the formation of a communicative component of the content of education that contributes to the formation of professionally significant qualities in students of a medical University, providing a communicative basis for future successful professional activity becomes relevant.
We carried out a study on the diagnosis of the empathic ability of medical students on techniques A. Mehrabian, N. Epstein and V.V. Boyko. The study showed that 39.4% of the surveyed students have an average level of formation of empathic abilities, 51.1% — low and 9.5% — very low. In 89.6% of girls in communication dominated emotional channel, due to the greater ability of girls to enter into an emotional resonance with others. 54.5% of the boys showed the rational and 44.4% — intuitive channels of empathy. Attention is drawn to the fact that only 34.4% of students demonstrated an average ability to empathy, which indicated a lack of skills to create an atmosphere of information and energy exchange in interaction with patients, and 55.5% of respondents did not identify themselves as a subject of empathic relations in future professional activities.
Our results indicate the need for early diagnosis and further development of professionally significant communicative qualities of the future doctor at all stages of Higher education, based on the principles of corporate culture of the medical University and the traditions of the Russian medical school.
Key words: communicative competence, corporate culture of medical university, communicative qualities of the personality of the doctor.


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About this article

Authors: Fomina M.V., Mihaylova E.A., Aznabaeva L.M., Kirgizova S.B., Zherebyatyeva O.O.

Year: 2018

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-218-91

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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