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March 2018, № 3 (215), pages 108–113

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-215-108

Scherbinina O.A. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ANXIETY, SOCIOMETRIC POSITION AND SELF-EVALUATION OF PRIMARY SCHOOL CHILDRENBecoming a teenager follows different changes, connected with increasing the quantity of relationship systems, where a teenager is becoming to be a member. It’s also connected with changing from educational activity as leading into personal communication with their peers. It’s closely connected with active formation of personal identity (self-awareness), self-reflection. Decreasing interest to the studying, which we see among fifth graders, follows increasing demands to their study from the parents. The above-mentioned items demand from teenagers some skills: evaluate their own qualities properly, take and save the wanted status (position) in the group and some others. All these things establish the conditions for increasing level of personal anxiety among primary school children.
In psychology the anxiety is considered as an indicator of dysfunctional family upbringing, as a factor of violation in personal adaptation, the emergence of suicidal hazard, formation of social awkwardness and other disadvantages. All these things add value to the process of searching correlates of personal anxiety among the primary school children to establish goals for psychological influence (impact) on the process of prevention and correction the level of their personal anxiety.
Here we have shown that the same situations both attract and concern the fifth graders at the same time. These are situations connected with school, situations of interpersonal relations, self-evaluation, thinking about something magic and supernatural. We have found the largest discrepancy between the levels of claims and self-evaluation upon the most significant things for the respondents: “Mind” and “Beauty”.
It allows us to speak about their strong differentiated self-evaluation. Also we can speak about the most favorable distribution (sharing) of the respondents’ sociometric positions in studying as there are no isolated or rejected sociometric positions in this field. With the help of correlation analysis, we have found reliable (valid) direct relations between interpersonal and self-evaluated anxiety among teenagers, and between the general level of self-evaluation and teenagers’ self-evaluation of their own personalities approximately. We have found the connection of such a factor as self-confidence with the sociometric position in the field of entertainment. The results, which we had, show us the necessity of the systemic work with fifth graders that has the aim to form communicative skills in different relations and to form positive image of myself.
Key words: primary school children, anxiety, level of claims, self-evaluation, sociometric positions.


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About this article

Author: Shcherbinina O.A.

Year: 2018

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-215-108

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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