November 2017, № 12 (212), pages 4–6doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-212-4
Glukhikh M.A., Kalganov A.A. DYNAMICS OF SOIL FERTILITY IN THE TRANS-URALSFor many years of research, the content of humus, as the main indicator of fertility, in chernozem soils of the Trans-Urals varies depending on the conditions in a rather large range, and in the absence of erosion processes it remains in relative equilibrium. Periodically, other, directly opposite results appear in the press, but most authors start from the fact that the soil of all variants of the experiment has the same initial properties, which in nature does not exist. Therefore, it remains an open question about the dynamics of organic matter with sufficiently long-term agricultural use of soils. Long-term stationary experiments in grain-steamed crop rotation have been carried out to study the dynamics of the organic matter content in the soils of the Shadrinskaya Experimental Station. T.S. Maltsev, the northern forest-steppe of the Trans-Ural region, depending on different methods of soil cultivation and fertilization levels, selected layer by layer to a depth of 50 cm since 1969. The humus content remains at the same level for 20 years. This is also noted with very intensive tillage, and in the steam field — even twice. Some change in the humus content of the soil of only the upper horizons is noted. When dumping without fertilization, the humus content in the 0–20 cm layer remains at the same level. With soil-free tillage without fertilizers, there is a tendency for it to decrease when fertilizers are introduced and this phenomenon disappears. It was revealed that the humus content for different methods of soil treatment for almost thirty-year period, despite quite significant fluctuations in the years, remains at the same level. In the experiment using different doses of organic and mineral fertilizers, the revealed difference in the content of humus in the soil between the variants is not due to fertilizer doses, but to variegated soil cover.
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About this article
Authors: Gluhih M.A., Kalganov A.A.
Year: 2017
doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-212-4
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |