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October 2017, № 9 (209)

Kozlenko E.A., Ukenov B.S. THE MAIN CHANGES IN THE PROPERTIES OF SOILS IN THE CHELYABINSK REGION AFTER PROLONGED ECONOMIC USELong-term economic use of soils becomes an important factor in changing their fertility and covers the entire process of soil formation. Depending on the duration of development and the level of crop cultivation, the soil undergoes significant changes. The study of the direction of changes in agrophysical, agrochemical, physico-chemical properties is one of the key tasks for the restoration and stabilization of soil fertility. By influencing the natural conditions of the environment, a person changes the basic properties and direction of development of soils. The processes of soil formation are associated with the natural productivity of soils, climatic conditions and anthropogenic factors. Abandoned soils — deposits are the object of research on the restoration of the basic properties of soils, since already 10 years later natural vegetation is restored and fertility is improved: the humus content is increased, the aggregate state is improved, and as a result, the basic agrophysical and agrochemical properties are improved. The article deals with the spatio-temporal changes in vegetation and fertility in the conditions of the deposit of the two most common types of soils in the Chelyabinsk region: leached chernozem and common black chernozem. Changes in the density, structure, and water permeability of soils are shown, and the regularity of the increase in the mass of vegetation in the fallow areas is established, which is related to the physiological characteristics of different communities of fallow plants. Also results of the carried out researches on definition of activity of a microflora of an arable land and a deposit are presented. Soil organisms are responsible for the decomposition of organic matter arriving with plant residues and supply plants with affordable resources. They also play an important role in the formation of stable soil aggregates, maintain the water-air balance, which is a necessary condition for the normal growth of plants. The data of the conducted field experiment gave an idea of the intensity of decomposition of plant material, which allows us to judge the state and activity of soil microflora.Key words: biological activity, density, structural state.


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About this article

Authors: Kozlenko E.A., Ukenov B.S.

Year: 2017

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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