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May 2017, № 6 (206)

Chernyshev A.B. CONFIGURATIONAL MODELS OF SPATIAL MEANINGS OF PREPOSITION “PRI”The objective of this article is the analysis of spatial meanings of Russian preposition pri modeling both its principal semantic structure and fragment ‘space’ in the Russian language view of the world. To realize the objective the article describes a theory of spatial grammar, from which a concept of dynamical space associated with motion to the object through specific human perception is derived. According to I. Rock’s experiment it is concluded that the object that surrounds or in some other way dominates the other object tends to become a reference system and as such is perceived immovable. This experiment is likely to presume attribution of generic community relations to Nature and, therefore, personification of Nature. This peculiarity of world perception has the decisive influence on language reflection of motion and entails to project its model in semantics of prepositions. This model can be described within the grammar of spatial description. Under such approach a preposition is regarded as a relator in the given “scene”. The semantic net of the preposition is stipulated by a cognitive model, which means a schematic mental pattern intrinsic to the language unit. Among spatial configurations of preposition pri ‘domain of active source’ and ‘presence’ are derived. The analysis of spatial meanings of the preposition entails a conclusion that the preposition pri models a special type of spatial relations that presume embodiment of one object in the domain of the other one. This domain makes some limit of the described space, enabling to regard this second object as a source having a ‘putative’ activity.Key words: Key word: space, preposition, configuration, cognitive model, activity.


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About this article

Author: Chernyshev A.B.

Year: 2017

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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