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January 2017, № 1 (201)

Kalinin S.S. THE LINGUISTIC-CULTURAL TRANSFER OF THE WOMEN' IMAGE FROM THE HEATHEN CULTURE TO THE CHRISTIAN CULTURE (ON THE BASIS OF EDDAIC EPIC POETRY AND “NIBELUNGENLIED”)The article deals with the cultural transfer process of the women' image. This image is borrowed from the pagan culture to the Christian culture. The research of the cultural transfer is very actually today, because now the processes of the intercultural interaction and communication are active. They are the research object of the linguistics as well as the other sciences. The cultures contacts between each other actively, they interacts. S. Ter-Minasova calls these processes as “war and piece of the languages and cultures”. The element of the cultural transfer process is image. The images of the one culture (for example, the Germanic pagan culture) are borrowed and carried over the other culture. The semantics of these images are changed, they are rethought in the other culture (for example, in the Christian culture). Some attributes disappear and weaken — this is so called semiotic weakening of the image. The bases of the research are the written artifacts of the Germanic languages of XII–XIII c.: The Poetic Edda and Nibelungenlied. The poems of the Poetic Edda come from the ancient times as the oral folk art although they were written in the Middle Ages. They are the source of images and plots for Nibelungenlied but these poems were rethought and transformed in the Christian courtesy culture. For example, the characters of Nibelungenlied go to the church, believe in God. This is a new element in the archaic Germanic pagan culture. This main conclusion of the research is about the semantics changing of the transferred images, about the semiotic weakening of some attributes.Key words: cultural transfer, image, Middle High German language, Old Norse language, Germanic mythology, Middle-Ages culture.


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About this article

Author: Kalinin S.S.

Year: 2017

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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