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November 2016, № 11 (199)

Ilyna A.V. CHARACTERISTICS OF STOCK TRANSACTIONSLegislative consolidation of the possibility of providing services was not new even to Roman law. Transformed into modern legislation, this possibility has undergone some changes. Over time, the areas that were not previously known to humans, such as banking, insurance, securities market, which became possible as the provision of services. The following services received the name, first and foremost, because their provision was directly connected with the treatment of cash. The securities market is, first and foremost, the investment market: purchase of equity securities allows you to invest the free cash into new objects of business activity. However, the sphere of circulation of securities is not limited only to securities market in his own way. Purchase, sale of securities is implemented on the stock exchange, however, the latter acts as a springboard not only for securities but also for derivatives. Analysis of financial services in the banking sector has led to the conclusion that the banking service is manifested in the implementation of the Bank's operations and transactions. Universalism formulated banking law definition of “operation” made it possible to transfer this definition on the securities market. The stock market is so diverse that the definition of stock exchange operations was a result of a combination of insights as banking legislation and legislation on securities market.Key words: financial service, service on the securities market, securities, derivative, stock operation.


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About this article

Author: Ilyina A.V.

Year: 2016

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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