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November 2016, № 11 (199)

Skibin S.M. N.M. KARAMZIN AND EVOLUTION OF RUSSIAN ANAKREONTICThis article examines a genre search N.M. Karamzin in the field of light poetry of the late eighteenth century. His work has had a huge impact on the development of Russian anakreontika. N.M. Karamzin was able to create a poetic style that combines the simplicity and casualness as a special expression of artistry, and that was the most important feature of the poetics of Anacreon. Anacreontic Karamzin discover the refined pleasures of the soul, able to suffer and enjoy. Analyzing the message Karamzin “Anacreontic poetry of A.A. Petrov”, the author shows that it can not be unambiguously attributed to the genre of anacreontic works as it combines the features and anacreontic, and goratian odes. It concerns the metrical organization of the verse and theme. The article substantiates the assumption that the “Anacreontic poetry of A.A. Petrov” was a reaction to Karamzin's correspondence with his friend and literary teacher was A.A. Petrov. In this regard the author analyzes the text of a letter dated 1 August 1878, and the work itself Karamzin. The article addresses another important issue related to the interaction of creativity of I.I. Dmitriev and N.M. Karamzin. In our view, in contemporary literary criticism the question of the relationship of creativity Karamzin and Dmitriev has not yet been resolved. Based on their correspondence and memoirs, the author contrary to popular belief in modern literature that I.I. Dmitriev was not a “disciple and follower of Karamzin,” proves that in a short period of I.I. Dmitriev had to go in their coach and in the role of a student. Key words: anacreontic ode, ode goratian, easy poetry, N.M. Karamzin, I.I. Dmitriev, Anacreon.


1. Lotman, Yu.M. Primechaniya / Yu.M. Lotman // Karamzin N.M. Polnoe sobranie stihotvorenij. — L., 1966. — S. 373–406.

2. Karamzin, N.M. Polnoe sobranie stihotvorenij / N.M. Karamzin. — M., L., 1966. — 424 s.

3. Ionin, G.N. Tvorcheskaya istoriya “Anakreonticheskih pesen” / G.N. Ionin // Derzhavin G.R. Anakreonticheskie pesni. — M., 1987. — S. 296–378.

4. Karamzin, N.M. Pis'ma Petrova A.A. k Karamzinu / N.M. Karamzin // Pis'ma russkogo puteshestvennika. — L., 1984. — S. 499–514

5. Markin, A.V. Druzheskoe poslanie. 1780–1820 gg. i tradicii Anakreonta i Goraciya v russkoj literature / A.V. Markin // Modifikaciya hudozhestvennyh sistem v istoriko-literaturnom processe. — Sverdlovsk, 1990. — S. 18–25.

6. Severnyj vestnik. — SPb., 1804. — T. 2. — 304 s.

7. Dmitriev, I.I. Sochineniya: v 2 t. / I.I, Dmitriev. — T. 2. — SPb., 1893. — 338 s.

8. Makogonenko, G.P. Ryadovoj na pinde voin / G.P. Makogonenko // Dmitriev I.I. Polnoe sobranie stihotvorenij. — L., 1967. — S. 5–72

9. Pis'ma N.M. Karamzina k I.I. Dmitrievu. — SPb., 1866. — 689 s.

10. Dmitriev, I.I. Polnoe sobranie stihotvorenij / I.I. Dmitriev. — L., 1967. — 504 s.

About this article

Author: Skibin S.M.

Year: 2016

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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