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August 2016, № 8 (196)

Schepin A.S. INDUCTION OF ELECTRONIC TRANSITIONS IN COLLISION COMPLEXES [O2-X], X = CO, NO, CO2, H2OSinglet oxygen — a general term used for the two metastable states (a, b) molecular oxygen (O2) with higher energy than the triplet state (X), which is the main. It has a very high oxidation activity when interacting with the organic substances involved in the biological processes of living organisms. Mechanisms of generation of singlet oxygen are explained by emerging within the oxygen molecule intense forbidden transitions: a-X, b-a, b-X systems bimolecular collision oksokompeksov. Currently, however, such systems are poorly understood. The method CASSCF / 6-311G ++ (2p, 2d) constructed section of the potential energy surface (PES) complex formation reactions [O2-X], X = CO, NO, CO2, H2O. Taking into account the spin-orbit coupling (SOC) calculated values of the moments of forbidden radiative transitions: M (aX), M (ba), M (bX), the Einstein coefficients A (transition probabilities) in the O2 molecule in the collision with the molecules of CO, NO, CO2 , H2O and the radiative lifetime of singlet oxygen in oxo complex bimolecular collision. According to the results of the work showed that the formation of bimolecular complexes [O2-X], where X = CO, NO, CO2, H2O removed spin prohibitions, whereby it becomes possible manifestation of illicit induced transitions in the oxygen molecule: singlet-singlet ba, characterized by high values compared to intensity molecule pure O2, and singlet-triplet aX, bX (defined only in the complex [O2-NO]). Also it found that the geometrical configuration of collisional oxo complexes are directly dependent on the values of the radiative lifetime, as well as the values of the moments induced forbidden transitions.Key words: collision complexes, the radiative lifetime, the excited state of oxygen stability of weakly bound complexes.


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About this article

Author: Shchepin A.S.

Year: 2016

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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