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August 2016, № 8 (196)

Sviatokha N.Y., Filimonova I.Y., Grudinin D.A., Yakovlev I.G. ECOTOURISM AS A FORM OF RECREATIONAL NATURE MANAGEMENT (IN CASE OF ORENBURG REGION)One of the forms of sustainable use of natural resources is eco-tourism contributing to environmental protection. Therefore, tourism can make a significant contribution to the preservation of nature. With proper management and planning of recreation areas, ecotourism can be an effective tool for environmental protection. The greatest development this kind of tourism has received abroad. In Russia it is presented, usually in the form of private trips to places of ecotourism. In order to talk about ecotourism as a mechanism for the preservation and protection of nature, he certainly must have an organized form. Orenburg oblast has significant resources for development of ecological tourism. In the study conducted by the recreational zoning of Orenburg region. Most promising for the development of ecological tourism in the region are the southern and Eastern areas with the natural conditions and resources, conducive to the development of this region, with a relatively low level of economic development of the territory. These zones are distinguished by the presence of a large number of attractive objects, and specially protected natural areas, natural monuments, preserved steppe areas, which can be used in ecotourism. One of the ways of preserving nature can be the development of tourism and recreation. Contrary to popular belief, organized tourism does not harm nature, protecting it. Taking into account the competitive advantages of the region, the authors came to the conclusion that in the Orenburg region promising to consider ecological tourism as a means of protection. Of course, the problems of preserving and protecting the environment can only be resolved when rational recreational nature. Thus, the term eco-tourism in the Orenburg region in conducting competent policy in the field of tourism can be an effective mechanism for the conservation of nature.


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About this article

Authors: Filimonova I.Yu., Svyatoha N.Yu., Yakovlev I.G.

Year: 2016

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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