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May 2016, № 5 (193)

Arkhipov А.А., Valetov M.R. THE METHODOLOGY OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAINING IMPLEMENTATION IN THE FORMATION OF STUDENTS' CONSCIOUSNESS Educational practice in higher educational establishment must not only provide a regulartransmission of knowledge andits qualitative perception for the reason of further practical skills formation,but also create a supportive atmosphere for consciously applied knowledge. The motivation for knowledge estimationis just the basis for the further professional thinkingformation. Students' learning activity is closely connected with the psychosocial derivatives of reasonable influence on the process of identity formation. In this context, psychophysical training has a fairly complex potential of impact on mental and biopsychiatric regulatory mechanisms of individual's behavior, creating optimal conditions for its development and identity formation. Psychophysical training can be easily adapted in the basic and variative forms of university educational practice and be combined with a variety of interdisciplinary forms of its components. It can also be applied in the self-evaluation meaning in relation to the psychotropic forms (inspired relaxing sleep to the sounds of nature), there is no need to use expensive equipment (besides instrumental methods). Psychophysical training is easily applicable in usual and situational conditions as it develops person's inner abilities and motivation for self-consciousness. The process of theoretical knowledge and practical skills integration,the application of the acquired knowledge in the future isthe process of appropriate professional self-identityformation. The learning activity becomes rather complicated as a result of large information flows to bememorized or associated with their location, requiring special psychological and pedagogical support for a qualitative change of this trend. For the purpose of consciousness formation in the process of knowledge perception and student's identity development, the following basic directionsin the psycho-pedagogical influence implementation and namely the introduction of psychophysical traininginto the educational practice of university are offered. These directionscan be realised due to the application of ideomotor, somatopsychic, instrumental and mixed methods of psychoregulation in the basic and variative forms of the university educational process.Key words: educational practice, psychophysical training, consciousness of the identity of the student, professional thinking.


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About this article

Authors: Arhipov A.A., Valetov M.R.

Year: 2016

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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