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March 2016, № 3 (191)

Savin E.Z., Azarov O.I., Demenina L.G., Berezina T.W. FRUITFUL TREES OF AN APPLE-TREE ON DWARFISH STOCKS ON AVERAGE THE VOLGA REGIONIn materials of the publication results of studying of a condition of skilled plantings of an apple-tree of a bookmark of 1985–1986 in the conditions of Central Volga area are presented. Apple-tree grades Spartak and Antonovka on various vegetative made multiple copies stocks were objects of research. Results of supervision cover time period from 1985 to 2015. The assessment of survival of saplings in an orchard and states in 2015 is carried out. Safety of plantings in 2015 was the greatest on a grade Spartak on Paradizke Budagovsky, 62-397, SPS-7, 60-165, a hybrid No. 1, 18-7, 4-1 (Ural-1). On Antonovk's grade ordinary — on 18-7, 4-5, 18-8, 19-3, 4-7. Grade trees Spartak on stocks 3-17-38, 62-396 — 3,8–4,3 m, Antonovk's grades — on 62-396 — 3,8m were the highest. The good harvest of fruits was received in 2013 and 2014. In general for years of supervision the most big crop made on a grade Spartak on stocks of SPS-7 and the Urals-1 (4-1) 2264–1496 c/hectare, is slightly 62-397, 60-165, 18-7, 18-6 less that in relation to control makes 198–248 %. On Antonovk's grade ordinary in group high-yielding the sorto-podvoynykh of combinations it is possible to carry stocks 4-7, 18-8 which productivity by 2–2,5 times exceeds control. The least fruitful were on a grade Spartak on Paradizke Budagovsky, 4-5, and on Antonovk's grade ordinary — 18-6. Thus the forms which remained in a productive state to 30-year age are distinguished from dwarfish stocks.Key words: skilled orchard, grade, dwarfish clonal stocks, survival, safety, productivity.


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About this article

Authors: Berezina T.V., Savin E.Z., Azarov O.I., Demenina L.G.

Year: 2016

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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