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March 2016, № 3 (191)

Permiakova E.G. CONCEPTUAL TAXONOMY OF ENGLISH VERBS FOR GETTINGThe article is devoted to the study of a concept of "getting' in the English language. The category "possessivity" reflects the diversity of methods and types of possession or receipt of goods by benefactive subject and contains a concept of "receiving" which belongs to the category of dynamic models for the sequential actualization of such conceptual features as benefaction, privation, of conversion in combination with additional conceptual features. An attempt was made to build a verb taxonomic model. Verbs of receiving which have the invariant conceptual features form a superordinate level, expressed by English verbs to get and to take. The categorization is on the vertical principle, in which the conceptual features of basic level are inherited by the frame structure of a subordinate level. Vertical links are formed by the genetic connection and every element of the subordinate levels is relevant to elements of a basic and a superordinate levels. Horizontal relations are formed between the equivalent elements of the same level and they are necessary for propositionalization of frames. Basic and subordinate levels are presented by conceptual features with vertical and horizontal connections, categorizing which generates subframes. In the structure of the concept of "receiving" at a basic level, we highlight two major areas: first, the conceptual traits are genetically correlated to the features of the verb to get; second, some conceptual features are verbalized by the verb to take. Subordinate level is genetically traced back to the higher level, and it consists of the most concrete conceptual features and manifests nonrigidity of the studied taxonomy.Key words: cognitive linguistics, conceptual features, concept "getting', taxonomy, contextual analysis.


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About this article

Author: Permyakova E.G.

Year: 2016

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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