Korzinina A.A. THE CRITICAL THINKING OF THE A. FETS CREATIVITY IN THE CZECH REPUBLICThe paper showcases the critical thinking of the A.šFets creativity in the Czech Republic from the end of XIXšcentury up to the present times. This issue has still not been lit in any Russian or Czech literary criticism. Interest in Fet from the Czech literature and Czech interpreters can be associated with the study and critical reflection of the poet in the Soviet and Russian literary criticism, except for the most recent period, when the domestic literary completely revised look at his work and new works devoted to religious and metaphysical component his poetry. There are no literary and critical works devoted to Fet, in the Czech Republic at the beginning of the XXIšcentury. Name of Fet covered by the Czech criticism is very modest in his life and immediately after his death: in the end of XIXšcentury, when among his contemporaries existed a very contradictory attitude towards it, data were only exploratory in nature (his name is only mentioned in the first letter of A.N.šPypin about Russian literature, dating from Decemberš3, 1858.; 1895š— Article in the volume "Scientific Otto encyclopedia";). In XXšcentury, the peak of the critical attention of Czechs to Fet came in 1960–1970-ies,š— a period when in the Soviet Union breaks interest in his work and published his complete works with article B.J.šBuchstab. During these years, there are editions of his book of poems in Czech language, and the introductory articles to them. Also in this period, for his work address the biggest Czech literary critics: Y.šGermanova, D.šJvachek, R.šParolek, I.šGonzik. Then there is a period of neglect, which lasts until today, since certain modern works in the Czech language dealing Fet not found despite a new surge Russian researchers interest in his work. At the beginning of the XXIšcentury. yet, we can talk, that A.A.šFet is present in the Czech literary consciousness, as evidenced by sporadic references to his name, which were found in the publication of the lectures on comparative linguistics by I.šPospisil and the works by O.šRihterek. However, the greatest contribution to the dissemination of information about Fet during this period belong to the Czech scientist M.šZagradka, who inš2005 put some brief information about Fet in his book on Russian literature, and inš2007š— a small introductory article about it in The Dictionary of Russianš— Czech literary relations. But even in these particulars recognized the "classical" perception of the creativity of Fet: the lyric, the predecessor of the Symbolists. Thus, A.A.šFet in the Czech critical perceptionš— Russian classical poet, the predecessor of the Symbolists, the representative of "Pure art", known for its verbless poems, love poetry and descriptions of russian nature, without the religious and metaphysical component of his poetry, as there are no critical works devoted to Fet in the czech literary at the present stage.Key words: A. Fet in the Czech perception, the critical thinking of the A.šFets creativity in the Czech Republic, the Czech criticism of A.šFet, A.N.šPypins letters, M.šZagradka.
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About this article
Author: Korzinina A.A.
Year: 2016
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |