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2015, № 12 (187)

Panova I.E., Shaimov T.B., Abdullaeva E.A. CLINICAL ASPECTS OF A POLIPOIDNY HORIOIDALNY VASKULOPATIYA AS ATYPICAL OPTION OF A CURRENT OF A NEOVASCULAR FORM OF AGE MAKULYARNY DYSTROPHYThe problem of a neovascular form of the age makulyarny dystrophy (AMD) has special value in connection with the high frequency of an invalidization from this disease. An atypical form of neovascular process is the polipoidny horioidalny vaskulopatiya (PHV), the etiology and which pathogenesis aren't up to the end studied. The current of PHV is characterized by anevrizmalny expansions on the terminations of the branching network from abnormal the horioidalnykh of vessels, antiangiogenny methods of treatment of this disease not always have desirable efficiency. Therefore it is important to reveal a polipoidny horioidalny vaskulopatiya among patients with "damp" age makulyarny dystrophy. The main oftalmoskopichesky signs of a polipoidny horioidalny vaskulopatiya on the basis of the comparative analysis with the classical and hidden neovaskulyarization forms at VMD are studied. The following differences from typical forms of a neovaskulyarization at age makulyarny dystrophy are revealed: rare presence Druze (54.0 %), parafovealny localization of an otsloyka of a neurotouch retina (56.0 %), perifovealny localization of an otsloyka of a pigmentary epithelium (26.0 %), kistovidny hypostasis of a retina (48.0 %), and also existence of gemorragiya (56.0 %) mainly subretinalnykh (48.0 %) and solid exudate (82 %). Occurrence frequency the subretinalnykh of red-orange small knots as specific sign of PHV made 90 %. The main triad clinical the oftalmoskopicheskikh of signs of a polipoidny horioidalny vaskulopatiya at patients with age makulyarny dystrophy is revealed: rare presence Druze, solid "honey" exudate, red-orange subretinalny small knots. The obtained data should be considered in clinical diagnostics of a polipoidny horioidalny vaskulopatiya at patients with a neovascular form age makulyarny dystrophy.Key words: age-related macular degeneration, AMD, polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy, PCV.


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About this article

Authors: Abdulaeva E.A., Panova I.E., Shaimov T.B.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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