Fabrikantov O.L., Khaleeva D.V., Shutova S.V. THE COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE ANTERIOR-POSTERIOR OCULAR SEGMENT MEASUREMENT IN CHILDREN AND TEENAGERS WITH REFRACTION ANOMALYAccording to the data of World public health organization in 2014, 12 million children had visual impairment caused by the refractive anomalies — the conditions that could be easily diagnosed and corrected. On a global scale one of the main reasons of visual impairment in adults (43 %) is non-corrected refractive anomalies (myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism), conditions reducing the life quality, and often leading to disability. The determination of the ocular axial length accuracy in children and teenagers with refraction anomaly is obligatory in diagnosis, and in myopia it is the only reliably objective method to determine its progression. At present, it is possible to perform the ultrasound (US) and optical biometry. Ultrasound (US) biometry is a contact method of investigation and "golden" standard in ophthalmology. Optical biometry (OBM) is a non-contact method and which is an advantage. The purpose of our study is to determine the accuracy of the ocular axial length values using the ultrasound and optical biometry methods in children and teenagers. The group of patients (54 people, 108 eyes) were examined using both methods. Also after the investigation, they were asked about the feeling of discomfort and pain. In the examination outcomes we took into account the characteristics of the absolute inter individual and intra individual variations of the examined signs, as well as the reproduction assessment of the echobiometry and optical biometry results. The ocular axial length measurement by the optical biometry provides with the more accurate values in comparison with the results obtained by the ultrasound echobiometry and it is well tolerated by patients.Key words: biometry, ultrasound biometry, optical biometry, anterior-posterior ocular segment.
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About this article
Authors: Haleeva D.V., Fabrikantov O.L., Shutova S.V.
Year: 2015
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |