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2015, № 12 (187)

Pilyagina A.A. THE OPPORTUNITIES OF THE DIFFERENT BIOMETRY METHODS IN OCULAR AXIAL LENGTH ASSESSMENTThe question about intraocular correction improvement remains open. The latest diagnostic techniques introduction of measuring biometric eye parameters aims at improving the calculation accuracy of the intraocular lens optical power and at refractive error reduction in postoperative period.The accuracy of the intraocular lens power calculation suffers because the accurate biometry methods are not widely used and are not applied in the absolute majority of patients. Errors when measuring the anterior posterioreyeball axis (APA) determine from 40 to 54 % of mistakes in the postoperative refractive result. The aforesaidtestifies to the urgency of the chosen topic, and identifies the aim of our work: the comparative investigation of the opportunities of different biometry methods in ocular axial length assessment. There were analyzed the results of the anterior posterior ocular axis measurements in 27 patients (46 eyes) using the ultrasound applanation and immersion biometry and optical biometry. The results of our investigation showed that the difference in APA measurements using these methods of biometry is minimum and statistically insignificant.However, when comparing the measurements obtained by optical and applanation ultrasonic biometry, there has been a trend towards reduction of APA indices, because of the possible corneal compression in applanation of the ultrasonic sensor. The results of APA indices, measured by the immersion and optical biometry, are comparable with each other. Thus, immersion method of the ultrasound biometry lacks forapplanationmethod disadvantages, namely corneal compression, is usedin any degree of mature cataract and corneal opacification, according to the biometric measurements accuracy it is not inferior to the optical method and can be an alternative to optical biometry.Key words: ultrasound immersion biometry, ultrasound applanation biometry, optical biometry, anterior posterior ocular axis.


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About this article

Author: Pilyagina A.A.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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