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2015, № 12 (187)

Machekhin V.A. CLINICAL FEATURES OF GLAUCOMA IN HIGH MYOPIAHigh myopia is one of the risk factors for glaucoma development. The difficulties of glaucoma detection in such patients are connected with the fact that high myopia itself may be accompanied by the significant visual acuity reduction especially in normal-tension glaucoma. Straining and thinning of the exterior ocular membrane often leads to the incorrect IOP assessment and severe glaucoma development. The purpose of our work is to detect the main reasons, which lead to the advanced stages of glaucoma in high myopia. There was made a retrospective analysis of the case histories of 97 patients (188 eyes) with high myopia and glaucoma, examined in 2006-2015. Among the primary patients such a combination was detected in 0.8–0.9 %. All examined patients had progressive myopia because detected in the early age and on account of the different individual factors it led to the eyeball growth and ocular refraction increase — a condition that may be accompanied by such complications as chorioretinal dystrophy, hemorrhages into the vitreous body, retinal detachment and others.All these besides glaucoma may become the reason for the significant reduction of the corrected visual acuity. Though according to our data such a combination occurred only in 0.9 % of patients with high myopia, it demanded the proper attention to predict the glaucoma blindness. It was noted, that the appearance and manifestation degree of glaucoma process in patients with high myopia was connected neither with the age, nor with the myopia degree and axial length of the eye. The main reason was the false assessment of the true intraocular pressure value. All patients with high myopia should undergo the examination for glaucoma notlater than at the age of 30 using computed perimetry and treatment approach determined not by the standard true IOP limits (up to 21 mm Hg) but by the individual tolerant pressure value.Key words: glaucoma, high myopia, tolerant intraocular pressure.


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About this article

Author: Machehin V.A.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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