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November 2015, № 11 (186)

Kolomiets G.G. FROM NATIONAL TO TRANSNATIONAL ART IN A GLOBALIZING WORLDBefore defining the relationship between the national and transnational in art and its role in a globalizing world, we will approach the question through the interpretation of the concept of "nation". There are two interpretations of the concept of nationality: an ethno-cultural nation and a civic nation. The first is that the individual does not exist outside of the nation, national identity is perceived as involvement in a particular historical and cultural community. The concept of civic nation identifies the nationality of the man with his citizenship and is an act of conscious choice. As for the person expressing cosmopolitan views, for whom the nation is some restriction of his perception of the world, he is also not entirely free from national bases. National identity is recognized by the answer to the question "Who are you?". It is a deeply rooted personality structure, caused, in our opinion, by all bio-sociological factors and modified by secondary supra-ethnic, socio-political conditions of the life of the world.In the field of art the person possessing the talent, the genius, has an innate anthropogenic ability to artistic activity, realized under certain conditions of social and cultural space, which he operates and from which he draws the material for his work. The genius at the same time has the gift of the deepest penetration into the global problems of existence, human life, beholding emerging processes in culture.We'll proceed from the notion that: 1) any work of art is national, it was created by a national artist; 2) work of art aspires to the status of trans-national, to enter into the sphere of "infinite" communication. Great works of art involved in the development of forms of life of the world, called to be supranational in its existential essence, universal semantic interpretation (for example, "Black Square" by Malevich, or Mozart's music).Thus, there appears another mode of art existence — transnational, ontologically grounded. Exit of art beyond national, that was born as a national and exists in the format of a supra-national, transcultural perception, we call transnational art.Transnational art attracts by its unchanging essence in a changing world. It finds transcultural point required for world understanding in a globalizing world. Civilizational space has changed the view of the world that has become one of the conditions of aesthetic taste. Art expresses the desire to expand the boundaries of sound and visual expression that meets the spirit of the time. The characteristic tendency of contemporary art to penetrate into the depths of the material space and at the same time to penetrate into the depths of the human soul is implemented. A look at the transnational being art in the modern globalized world, points to a new aesthetic problem: the dialectic of meaning and absurdity of the ideological function of art, for example, manifested in the avant-garde art and the art, proven a long time.Key words: aesthetic, national and transnational art, philosophy of music.


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About this article

Author: Kolomiets G.G.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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