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November 2015, № 11 (186)

Aptikieva L.R., Bursakova M.S. THE RESULTS OF EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE REPRESENTATIONS OF THE FAMILY IN ADOLESCENTS RESIDING IN SHELTERThe problem of child abandonment is to increase the number of children-orphans in the actual presence of the parents. Distribution of orphans in our country due to: the instability of social institutions in crisis and regional conflicts, the devaluation of a number of moral values; the loss of familiar cultural attitudes and orientations. The mechanism of family deprivation manifests in insufficient satisfaction of basic, basic mental needs of the child (in love, affection, unconditional acceptance) for a long time and a serious degree. This leads to a distortion of the process of assimilation of social roles, norms, family traditions; difficulties in adapting to society; problems in creating and maintaining their own family, the upbringing of their children. The special features of education in the orphanage are: lack of communication with significant adults; the absence of the adoption; collective methods of education with insufficient delegation of personal responsibility, which leads to a violation of the child's interaction with the social environment. Key features of older adolescents are that: personality dominates the other functional systems; age is a period of the most intense and optimal development (emphasis not only on the features of physical and sexual maturation, but also, above all, on the development of rules of life, values, at the turn of the leading forms of activity, social status and level of socialization as a whole); is the formation of ideas about his future family, awareness of relationships, roles, functions, family, responsibility for their future children. The results of an experimental study of the image, perceptions of family and psychological characteristics of adolescents-orphans and teenagers who are brought up in families suggests differences in the perception of the family, family values, awareness of the role, functions, tasks, family, respect for the opposite sex.Key words: social orphan hood; family deprivation; adolescence; social orphans older adolescents; adolescents living in families; a distorted image of his family; an adult.


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About this article

Authors: Aptikieva L.R., Bursakova M.S.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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