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November 2015, № 11 (186)

Andreeva E.D. REPRODUCTION OF FIGURATIVE AND SYMBOLIC MEANINGS IN TRANSLATION (THE CASE OF JOHN KEATS' WORKS)A word is considered to be the unit of the literary text which concentrates the image with the depth of symbolic meaning behind it. This multiple meaning is a considerable difficulty for a translator, as inadequate attention to a word often leads to deformation of the figurative idea of the text. The aim of the research is set in connection with the problem: to analyze the way the poet suggests the reader that the word in the text has the symbolic meaning and the way an image and a symbol interact or contradict each other. The research is also aimed at analyzing translator's decisions that can result in rendering or loss of symbolic meaning. In the analyzed ballad by John Keats there are displayed the words-images that describe and organize relations between the hero and the Belle Dame, as well as the symbolic meaning that is behind them and depicts the tragic picture of hero's death because of the "forbidden" love: "knight-at-arms", "faery", "steed", "honey", "grot". An image and a symbolic meaning are revealed in these words with the help of explanatory and special dictionaries; the meanings are compared with the meanings of words substituting them in variants of translation into Russian. The article points out that a translator while working with such words-images-symbols should do a profound analysis of components in word's meaning and pay great attention to the choice of translation variants, as an inaccurate word can ruin the image or the symbol or both. Key words: translation of the imagery, translation of the symbol, the word-image, variant of translation, rendering, figurative and symbolic meaning.


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About this article

Author: Andreeva E.D.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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