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November 2015, № 11 (186)

Pasechnaya L.A., Shcherbina V.E. YOUTH SLANG IN COMMENTS ON A VIDEOHOSTING (IN THE GERMAN AND RUSSIAN LANGUAGES)Youth slang represents the most interesting linguistic phenomenon, the existence of which is limited not only by the certain age frameworks as it is clear from its most nomination, but also by social, temporary and spatial frameworks. The integral part of youth life is both actual, and virtual communication with friends. Theresearch material of the peculiarities of the youth slang ist he commentaries to videoclips on videohosting YouTube in German and Russian. Commentators, as a rule, state the point of view about the videorecording which they have already seen either in a strictly positive or in a strictly negative way. Therefore German and Russian jargons are classified into three groups in the article: those that do not express the attitude of the author and those that express his positive or negative altitude. The research results show that the frequent users of the German-speaking videoportal YouTube use in written speech the jargons expressing their positive attitude to a videoclip. The jargons expressing a negative altitude of the user, are less in quantity, and significantly seldom the German speakers use the jargons which do not express any attitude. Users of Russian-speaking videoportal YouTube most often use the jargons which do not express any attitude to a videoclip in written speech. The jargons expressing any attitude of the user, in commentaries on a Russian-speaking hosting are met significantly seldom. The jargons expressing the positive attitude,are less in number. Thus it is possible to come to the conclusion, that the German youth, unlike the Russian one, is more inclined to express emotions in written speech and often states a verbal assessment to what they have seen. As far as the Russian youth is concerned, they express their opinion about videorecording that they have seen in the negative form. The young slang possesses the following features: an abundance of neologisms, special lexicon or jargons, anglo-americanisms, metaphors and abbreviations.Key words: youth slang, the comment, language of Internet users, neologisms, jargons, anglo-americanisms, the abbreviations, the lowered lexicon.


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About this article

Authors: Pasechnaya L.A., Shcherbina V.E.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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