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November 2015, № 11 (186)

Korobeinikova A.A., Huang Yun Sheng, Davydova E.A. FIGURATIVE NOMINATONS OF PERSON IN RUSSIAN AND CHINESE PROVEBSAt a present time proverbs like a genre of oral folk arts remain valuable linguistic material, because they are stereotypes of folk consciousness, they reflect folklife culture by entire signs and by units of their composition. Proverbs keep and reproduce traditions of mentality, being constants of outlook of a whole ethnic group. At a present time saving and study of proverbs like ethnic culture elements let to understand world and to be intercultural exchange of different nations under conditions of globalization. Chinese proverbs aren't enough explored by our scientists. In this context study of Chinese and Russian proverbs is important and promising in comparative aspect. In particular it is needed with a view to improve the quality of language competence of students who learn Chinese in the Center of Chinese language and culture in Orenburg State University and to improve the quality of language competence of foreign students who learn Russian in the Center of Slavic languages and cultures in Orenburg State University. Word-formative manners of nomination are underproductive in designation of human abilities, therefore this designation is main use of metaphors. Observation and description of language material let to determine zoonyms and phytonyms as more frequency figurative nominations of person in Russian and Chinese proverbs, it is due to leader type of farming, to Russian and Chinese flora and fauna. The study of Russian and Chinese proverbs in comparative aspect lets to explore national and cultural specificity of linguistic means of personality appraisal, appearance, condition of person and other antropocharacteristics. Figurative nominations are these linguistic units, which show outlook of ethnic group to a greater extent than direct nominations.Key words: anthropocentrism, figurative nominations, metaphor, proverb, Russian, Chinese.


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About this article

Authors: Huan Yunshen, Korobeynikova A.A., Davydova E.A.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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