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November 2015, № 11 (186)

Gorovaya I.G., Gorovaya N.N. THE ROLE OF PRECEDENT PHENOMENA IN THE FORMATION OF SECONDARY LANGUAGE PERSONALITY The aim of learning a foreign language is to master the verbal and semantic code of the language and the formation of a secondary language personality. In this regard, more attention is paid to the case-phenomena. However, the existence of contentious issues in the theory of precedent (lack of terminological unity, a clear idea about the volume, sources and classification of precedent units) and teaching methods (no system of administration in the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language) complicates the study of precedent phenomena representatives of other cultures, to which access to the meaning of these statements is difficult. The role of precedent phenomena in the formation of the secondary language personality is caused primarily by the fact that they reflect the mental representation of the Russian people, embodied verbally and conceptually. Without understanding the meaning of precedent phenomena is impossible to achieve adequate understanding and interpretation of foreign students artistic and journalistic texts in Russian, film and cartoons, speaking Russian. The ability to understand precedent phenomena and use them in a speech should be taught systematically. In other words, the formation of the secondary language personality requires the development of the system of administration of foreign students into the everyday life of precedent phenomena. Formation of secondary language person must be complex: identification (recognition) and storing precedent phenomena, identifying their structure, meaning, of the functioning in the context of diagnoses, in the discourse, in speech, linguistic and cultural commentary. To understand the precedent phenomena with hidden meaning is necessary to activate the speaker in the minds of various cognitive and linguistic structures that are based on the background knowledge. The ability to correctly decode the precedent phenomena, the ability to include them in discourse, to subordinate them to their communication needs and to relate to the needs and purpose of the speaker suggest formation of a secondary language personality.Key words: methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, RCTs, linguistic personality, the secondary language personality, precedent phenomenon.


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About this article

Authors: Gorovaya I.G., Gorovaya N.N.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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