Pykhtina Yu.G. THE CONCEPT OF MULTIPOLAR WORLD IN THE NOVEL THE TIME OF WOMEN BY E. CHIZHOVAThere is a functional semantic approach in a series of diverse studies on the artistic field, which is based on a systemic description of spatial images and patterns closely connected with the event-trigger level, system of spatial interrelations of personages, spatial point of view of the author and the characters and other important components of the artistic text. The semantic varieties of space and time on the content functional criterion are regarded in this article on the base of the novel "The time of women" written by the modern St. Petersburg writer E. Chizhova. The principles of the author's artistic world organization, based on coexisting and interpenetrating worlds (past and present, reality and dreams, the world of alive and dead ones, life and fable, reality and convention) are pointed out; their meaning in the structure of the artistic whole is defined. The artistic chronotope is proved to be one of the most important means of the realization of the author's idea. The suggested algorithm of the multipolar world novel analysis may become the base of the further projects in the sphere of the typology of the artistic space.Key words: space, time, chronotope, multipolar world, dreams, memory, creativity, E. Chizhova.
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About this article
Author: Pyhtina Yu.G.
Year: 2015
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |