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October 2015, № 10 (185)

Debelо P.V., Kuksanov V.F., Nazin S.A. CURRENT STATUS OF RESERVOIRS SHALKAR-LAKE DISTRICT GETICONIMAGE (IBAS EN-217, REV-002) AND THEIR ROLE IN THE REPRODUCTION OF ANSERIFORMESThe reservoirs of the Orenburg TRANS-Urals and adjacent territories of Kazakhstan known as the place of mass nesting and migratory stopover mass hunting, as well as rare and endangered species of Anseriformes broad Median region of Northern Eurasia. Now they are considered as a kind of critical habitats and key points on the path of migratory flows and a whole range of other waterbirds. However, they are extremely unstable hydrological regime and, as a consequence, significant changes in avifauna. All this urgently demands a constant monitoring of their condition and population dynamics of species inhabiting them. The paper summarizes literary information, departmental and personal collected by standard methods over the last two decades, the materials on the change of state lands, dynamics of distribution and abundance in plant communities and important socio-economic species after the maximum level of water bodies and subsequent reduce the water content site. The research has allowed to develop a typological classification of water bodies, which together form a unique complex Supplement each other land, which all the necessary conditions for vital activity of 16 species of nesting geese. Conducted in different years and seasons of censuses provide an opportunity to roughly estimate the state of the local populations of swans, grey geese, dabbling and diving ducks, to determine trends in their abundance at each reservoir that will allow to develop a rational set of necessary biotechnological and environmental measures.Key words: typology of water bodies, flooding, succession, ecosystems, bird communities, anserine.


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About this article

Authors: Debelo P.V., Nazin A.S., Kuksanov V.F.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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