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October 2015, № 10 (185)

Sivokhip Z.T. ECOLOGICAL AND HYDROLOGICAL SPECIFICS OF SMALL RIVERS AS AN INDICATOR SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT IN THE STEPPE ZONEThis article provides a brief analysis of the ecological and hydrological specifics of the small rivers of the steppe zone within the basin of the Ural River. Characterized by structural and functional features of the local river runoff, primarily observed extreme non-uniformity of the river flow in seasonal and interannual aspects. It is noted that the small D-ki are an essential component of the steppe landscape, fulfilling an important ecological role and prirodoobrazuyuschuyu. First of all, the vital importance of small rivers of the steppe geosystems associated with the formation of complexes with a high natural landscape and biological diversity. The estimation of the main factors transforming small rivers catchment areas, taking into account the nature of the impact — direct or indirect. Taking into account the specifics of hydrometeorological catchment areas of the steppe zone, the most common types of economic activity are the direct impact of water withdrawals for irrigation and accumulation of runoff (especially spring) ponds. Despite the small water surface area and small volume, ponds have a significant impact on the flow of small rivers, especially in areas of insufficient and unreliable moistening. In general, it notes that, on the basis of a high degree of transformation of the catchment areas, the study of ecological and hydrological specifics of small rivers are among the current research directions. Taking into account the above-mentioned spatial and structural and functional features of the natural systems of small rivers, it is necessary to pay attention to the difficulty of assessing the role of individual factors of transformation of catchment areas.Key words: ecological and hydrological specifics, local river runoff, trans-formational processes, flow control, plowing catchment area.


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About this article

Author: Sivohip Zh.T.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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