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October 2015, № 10 (185)

Saneeva T.A. PHENOLOGICAL SUPERVISION OF TYPES OF THE TETRAPLOID SORT PADUS MILL., GROWING IN THE TERRITORY OF THE ORENBURG REGIONTypes of the tetraploid sort Padus Mill Bird Padus. are valuable ornamental, lesomeliorativny, medicinal, vitamin, food and technical plants. Cerasus Mill hybrids and Padus use in gardening as clonal stocks and for improvement of assortment of cherry, a bird рadus. Look Bird рadus ordinary, or bird's P. avium Mill. differs in polymorphism on signs, on its basis active selection work is conducted, there are zoned grades. However so far an important source for replenishment of the selection P. avium resources is selection of wild-growing forms. In the botanical and selection plan P. avium and some other types in the Far East, by P. avium in the south of Western Siberia are most in detail studied. In the territory of modern Orenburg Cisural area only P. avium dated for the inundated woods and damp habitats grows in a wildgrowing state. But populations of this type of Padus remain in Orenburg Oblast almost not studied. In parks of Orenburg and other Areas of Cisural area the look introduced from North America the Bird рadus virginsky Padus virginiana (L.) Mill. This look — pozdnotsvetushchy, decorative, differs strong in an otpryskoobrazovaniye, in the conditions of Cisural area is poorly studied. Investigations wild array Padus avium and growing in gardens Padus virginiana in the territory of the Orenburg region by attributes. Identified oil logical phases. We studied the drought and heat resistance of bird padus leaves.Key words: fenonablyudeniya, drought resistance, heat resistance, high-quality signs, physiological indicators.


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UDC 330.43

About this article

Author: Saneeva T.A.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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