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October 2015, № 10 (185)

Gorichev Ju.P., Davydychev A.N., Jusupov I.R. QUERCUS ROBUR L. IN THE SOUTH URAL RESERVEOn the basis of the results of research and fixed-route summarizes the distribution of Quercus robur in the South Ural Reserve. The participation of Quercus robur in the formation of various types of natural and secondary forests. A general assessment of the role of Quercus robur in shaping forest communities. The reserve Quercus robur common in the western part, in the area of broad-leaved coniferous forests. In the area of research areas met estesvenno deciduous forests dominated by Quercus robur. It is an old forest with large old trees Quercus robur, Aser platanoides, and Tilia cordata. In all societies marked by a low number of undergrowth Quercus robur, with a higher number of other broad-leaved species. These communities occupy local areas. Ecotopia characterized by the most favorable thermal regime and maximum rates of heat supply. Natural communities are also communities with domination Aser platanoides. Lots of communities larger area. In these communities Quercus robur takes 10-20% of the weight of the tree layer, occurs sporadically in the composition of the undergrowth. In the semi-deciduous communities with domination of Tilia cordata as a part of the tree layer and undergrowth sporadically present Quercus robur, often it is not. The reserve Quercus robur is also found in semi-deciduous conifer communities, as well as derivatives of secondary communities with domination and Betula pendula and Populus tremula.Key words: South Ural Reserve, English oak, deciduous forests, climax community.


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About this article

Authors: Gorichev Yu.P., Yusupov I.R., Davydychev A.N.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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