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October 2015, № 10 (185)

Dostova T.M. QUALITY CONTROL OF SOIL QUALITY VIRGIN AND ARABLE TERRITORY OF ORENBURG PREDURALIEEarth Orenburg region characterized by high natural fertility. The share of the most fertile soil — chernozem leached, typical and ordinary accounts for more than 40 % of the regional soil, and with southern black earth, this share rises to 56.6 % of the total area of the region. Among agricultural land, this percentage increases to 75 %. Currently, the area of arable land has achieved great performance and is 56.6 % of the agricultural land and 49.6 % — of the total area of the region. Intensity of use of land resources of the Orenburg region accompanied by a change of soil properties and increasing negative processes, which reduces soil fertility and, as a result, the yield of crops. According to the natural and agricultural zoning of land assigned to subboreal soil-climatic zones of the central steppe and steppe soil-biological field or forest-steppe, steppe and dry steppe natural and agricultural zones. Large areas of the Orenburg region lie in the area of black earth soils. Only in the south recorded dark chestnut soils in the north marked a small area of gray forest soils. Research quality of soil located under the well-preserved natural vegetation and in areas of intensive agricultural use was carried out on the territory of Orenburg Ural region and involves certain agro, agro-chemical and agro-ecological properties of soils. Experimentally established decrease in quality parameters of fertility soils under study as a result of intensive agricultural use. Analysis of laws between agrophysical, agrochemical and agro-ecological properties of soils allow the use of the materials obtained in the performance of eco-economic monitoring of agricultural landscapes of Orenburg Ural region, as well as significantly improve the accuracy of forecasting models to determine the direction and rate of change of the fundamental properties of soils as a structural and humus condition of chernozems. In order to improve the quality of arable soil areas, it is recommended to carry out the development of soil-mapping groups of Orenburg Preduralja agrophysical, agrochemical and agro-environmental indicators.Key words: soil quality; agro, agro-chemical and agro-ecological properties of the soil.


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About this article

Author: Dostova T.M.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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