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October 2015, № 10 (185)

Chirkova E.N., Zavaleeva S.M. MAKRO-MICROMORFOLOGY HEART OF ORDINARY MOLE (TALPA EUROPAEA) These days information about the morphological modifications of the cardiovascular system is not enough in the scientific literature, including the heart animals characterizing the main types of adaptation — land, water, wood and flying. Despite the fact that these days the basic provisions of the laws governing the macro and microstructures of various representatives of the animals sets out on the range of compensatory-adaptive possibilities authority structures in ontogenesis, remain controversial and unresolved a number of questions. In connection with this problem have been delivered: 1) to determine the topography, the size and shape of the heart of a representative group of underground-burrowing mammals (ordinary mole); 2) to establish the structural characteristics of the myocardium of the atrial appendages and ventricular walls; 3) to investigate the organization and conducting of contractile cardiomyocytes on the sub-cellular level. The methods of preparation, light and electron microscopy studied the heart of an ordinary mole, as a representative of an environmental group subterranean mammals. Mitochondria fill substantially the interstices between the myofibrils, but there are, and for the sarcolemma. Near the core of their relatively small. The shape of mitochondria is no different variety. Mostly they are round or oval. Location cristae and arcuate cross. Rare mitochondria with granular inclusions in the matrix. The sarcoplasm cardiomyocytes atria and ventricles are presented and other ultrastructure: agranular sarcoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, polyribosomes, lysosomes, and liposomes. Atypical cardiomyocytes differ in character from the contractile myofibrils arrangement, in which the latter are oriented not only in parallel to the plasma membrane of cells, but randomly. Found sarcoplasmic reticulum structure which form a system of membrane tubes are not connected with the plasma membrane. Some new features of ascertaining relative histofisiological workers (typical) and conductive atypical cardiomyocytes that let you do the conclusion that the heart of an ordinary mole characterizes adaptive changes in body underground digging type adaptations.Key words: ordinary mole, morphology, heart, morphometry, cardiomyocytes.


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About this article

Authors: Chirkova E.N., Zavaleeva S.M.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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