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October 2015, № 10 (185)

Chibrik T.S., Lukina N.V. THE HERBACEOUS SPECIESMYCORRHIZA FORMATIONON THE DIFFERENT AGENICKEL DEPOSIT DUMPSThe study of mycorrhiza features formation of herbaceous species in plant communities, emerging in the process of overgrowing 8 different ages (4–36 year olds) Cheremshansky mine dumps Ufaley nickel deposit, located 15 km north-east of VerchnyUfaley, Chelyabinsk region are presented in the article. The species dumps consist mainly of weathered serpentinite submitted clay material and boulders equally reaction (pH) varies from slightly alkaline to neutral, the availability of nitrogen and phosphates available is very low, the exchange of potassium — medium and high. Vegetation survey showed that 4–6 year old dumps is the formation of plant groups represented by single individuals and weed-ruderal meadow weed species. In the 11–36-year-olds dumps formed the forest communities, with the dominance of Pinussylvestris L., Betulapendula Roth. The grassy projective cover tier depends on the degree and stony substrate. The studies have shown that the roots of most herbaceous plants there arbuscularmycorrhiza presented aseptate fungal hyphae, vesicles and arbuskules. With increasing age of the dumps and degree of development of plant communities growing proportion mycotrophic species. In the 4–6-year-old young dumps share mycotrophic kinds of 52.4–58.8 %, on a 11–36-year old dumps — 91.7–100 %, reaching a value characteristic of the natural phytocenoses. Indicators such as the degree of mycotrophic, frequency of mycorrhiza, mycorrhizal infection rate also increases with increasing age dumps and depend on the environmental conditions (degree of stony and moistening of the substrate).Key words: plant communities, the phytocenoses dynamics, arbuscularmycorrhiza, nickel blades.


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About this article

Authors: Chibrik T.S., Lukina N.V.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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