Perezhogin Y.V., Kurlov S.I. ADDITIONS TO THE LIST RARE AND ENDANGERED PLANTS KOSTANAY REGION (NORTHERN KAZAKHSTAN)Inventory of wild rare and endangered plants in Kostanay region is of great environmental value. The main purpose is to prevent the of his death. Earlier, we were allocated 85 such species recommended for protection in the region. Based on the authors' own fees from 2005 to 2015 was further identified another 39 rare plant species that require urgent measures to protect in the region. The resulting research konspekt of rare species of flora will be the basis for the creation of botanical nature monuments in Kostanay region for individual species of rare plants.Key words: flora of Kazakhstan, rare species, the location.
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About this article
Authors: Perezhogin Yu.V., Kurlov S.I.
Year: 2015