Perezhogin Y.V., Kulikov P.V. NEW SPECIES OF FLORA OF KAZAKHSTAN [№ 3 ' 2017] The flora of any regionš— is a complex, constantly changing system, so any summary compiled Floral able to reflect its state only at a given time. Kazakhstan's flora includes currently more than 6,000šwild plants, but talk about a complete study of the region is not yet possible. In the process of studying the flora in the period fromš1994 toš2010 we identified a further 16šspecies belonging to 14šgenera of 11šfamilies, new to the flora of Kazakhstan. The resulting research abstract expand the list of wild plants for the new edition of “Flora of Kazakhstan”.
Kurlov S.I., Perezhogin Y.V. PALEOGENE-NEOGENE FOSSIL FLORA OF NORTHERN TORGAY (CENTRAL KAZAKHSTAN) [№ 10 ' 2015] To identify patterns of modern distribution of plants is necessary to study the genesis of the formation of the flora in the past. So far, there were scattered data on the species composition of the Paleogene-Neogene flora of the Torgay deflection. For the first time on the basis of literature data and their own authors fees compiled a summary of fossil Neogene-Paleogene flora and map its location in the North Torgay. Neogene-Paleogene fossil flora Kostanay region is represented by 108šspecies from 66 genera and 35šfamilies. The stratigraphic relation to fossil flora refers to the following periods: Oligoceneš— 8šspecies; Oligocene-Mioceneš— 1šspecies; Oligocene-Plioceneš— 2šspecies; Mioceneš— 82šspecies and Miocene-Plioceneš— 15šspecies. At the end of the Oligoceneš— early Miocene in the watershed of the North Torgay large area occupied by coniferous and deciduous forests. In the Middle Miocene (with the onset of marine transgression) forest area declined sharply.
Perezhogin Y.V., Kurlov S.I. ADDITIONS TO THE LIST RARE AND ENDANGERED PLANTS KOSTANAY REGION (NORTHERN KAZAKHSTAN) [№ 10 ' 2015] Inventory of wild rare and endangered plants in Kostanay region is of great environmental value. The main purpose is to prevent the of his death. Earlier, we were allocated 85 such species recommended for protection in the region. Based on the authors' own fees fromš2005 toš2015 was further identified another 39šrare plant species that require urgent measures to protect in the region. The resulting research konspekt of rare species of flora will be the basis for the creation of botanical nature monuments in Kostanay region for individual species of rare plants.
Perezhogin Yu.V. TAXONOMIC ANALYSIS OF KOSTANAY REGION FLORA (THE NORTH KAZAKHSTAN) [№ 5 ' 2008] Taxonomic analysis of Kostanay region flora is conducted in this article. It is revealed that it is represented with 1223 species from 454 genuses and 107 families. Annotated list of flora families with indication of number of genuses and species in every family is given here. Negative meaning of autonomy index speaks about predominance of allochthonic tendency and the great role of species migration. Taxonomic structure of flora is characterized with high percent of representatives of Magnoliophyta department, which is significant in whole for flora of all steppe Kazakhstan.
Perezhogin Yu.V. RELICTS IN FLORA OF KOSTANAY REGION (NORTHERN KAZAKHSTAN) [№ 4 ' 2008] Relicts of Kostanay region flora, which are distinguished into two categories: Pleiocene and Pleistocene are revealed in this article. Their classification inside of category was made. It is marked, that generally they are represented with migration species. 27 of them need security on the region territory.
Perezhogin Yu.V. BOTANY-GEOGRAPHIC REGIONALIZATION AND FLORA STRUCTURE OF KOSTANAY REGION (THE NORTH KAZAKHSTAN) [№ 1 ' 2008] Characteristics of botany-geographic areas of Kostanay region are gicen in this article. As a result of studying of family specter of region flora it was revealed that 10 leading families include 60,8% of the whole flora and 14 leading families include 72,2% of all types of flora. In whole region flora is under the influence of the Southern flora. Great number of single-mode families characterizes studied flora as developed in extreme conditions of existing. The structure of genus specter of flora of Kostanay region composed of its botany-geographic areas confirms data of family specter.
Perezhogin Yu.V. GROWTH FORMING OF KOSTANAY REGION (NORTHERN KAZAKHSTAN) [№ 9 ' 2006] Flora of studied territory is characterized with weak originality, which is caused firstly with its youth. The beginning of Kostanay region flora formation is treated to Pleistocene – to the period of samara’s freezing. At the latest period of Holocene forests’ area was decreased (as a result of its destruction by people and climate dehydration) and the role of woodless open spaces was increased.
Perezhogin Yu.V. CHOROLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF KOSTANAY REGION FLORA (NORTHERN KAZAKHSTAN) [№ 6 ' 2006] 19 geographical elements of flora united in 6 groups of natural habitats were distinguished as a result of region flora research. It was cleared up that there was strong flora influence of surrounding territories on the region flora as a result of this given territory was characterized with small percent of endemism. The greatest percent of flora types was boreal group (803 types – 65.7 %). Step communities were more vulnerable as a result of synanthropic influence on the territory of Kostanay region.