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September 2015, № 9 (184)

Zinyukhina N.A., Leushina T.V. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF THE DYNAMICS OF AVERAGE WAGE SOCIAL AND SCIENCE WORKERS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATIONRaising the overall level of life recognized by the world scientific community as an indicator of development of the state. The introduction of new systems of payment of employees of budgetary institutions implies an increase in the federal payroll by 30 percent, which can avoid job cuts, while wage growth. In connection with the changes introduced and required new approaches to the methodology of statistical analysis of average wages of certain categories of social workers and Science. Federal statistical observation in wages of certain categories of workers in the social and scientific spheres conducted by Rosstat, starting with the report for the I quarter 2013, on quarterly basis. On the basis of statistical observation we made up the ranks of the dynamics of wage workers in the social and educational sphere for 2013—2015 years. Determined by the average characteristics of the intensity of the analyzed indicators in a comparable form by adjusting the index of consumer prices (to the level of I quarter 2015). Identified and assessed trends in compensation of employees of education, health and other categories of social workers, Scientific and Cultural Organization on the basis of the trend models for time series, which confirmed the presence of trend. The characteristics of the intensity of the analyzed indicators, the average system used absolute and relative indicators of the dynamics and trends of parabolic equations obtained, which revealed that the average monthly salary of social workers and Science of the Russian Federation in this period increased from quarterly slowdown.Key words: wages, social workers and science, statistical analysis, dynamics, trends, parabolic trend.


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About this article

Authors: Zinyuhina N.A., Leushina T.V.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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