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September 2015, № 9 (184)

Filyak M., Kanygina O. GROWTH KINETICS OF THE FILM OF ANODIC ALUMINA IN SODIUM HYDROXIDE ELECTROLYTERecently, porous anodic alumina is widely used as a template for nano-structured material production. Films from alkaline electrolytes are not being studied widely. Meanwhile, alkaline electrolytes are certainly of scientific and practical interest. Anodization of aluminum was performed in a double-electrode electrochemical cell in electrolytes on the basis of sodium hydroxide in the potentiostatic mode and at the simultaneous chronoamperometric control. Experimentally the thickness of anodic aluminum oxide was determined by the gravimetric method. The theoretical computation of thickness of oxide was carried out on the basis of the Faraday's law by the method of chronoamperogram numerical integration. The value of the anodization constant has been calculated to the known thickness of anodic alumina. By using the calculated anodization constant has been stated the theoretical dependency of anodic oxide thickness vs time. In the result of studies has been established the following: for electrolyte concentration 0.1 M and voltage 30 V the anodization constant is (3,67 ± 0,2) • 10–7 sm2/mAHmin and does not depend on anodization time; the value of anodization constant for alkaline electrolytes is less than for acidic type; the anodization constant value allows you to control of anodic film thickness and production of films of certain thickness.Key words: anodic alumina, sodium hydroxide, kinetic curve of anodization; anodization constant.


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About this article

Authors: Filyak M.M., Kanygina O.N.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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