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September 2015, № 9 (184)

Morozov N.A., Vlasov Y.L., Gavrilov A.A. OPTIMIZATION OF PARAMETERS OF COMPOSITE COVERINGS DRY COMPARTMENTS OF AIRCRAFT BY MEANS OF NASTRANThe researches devoted to minimization of mass of aircraft will never stop being the actual. Decrease in weight allows to lower costs of production of the aircraft, to reduce the dynamic loadings arising when transporting and in the course of its flight and also to reduce amount of fuel, necessary for flight. The purpose of receiving the covering providing the greatest coefficient of a stock of the general stability and the maximum durability of a compartment on condition of minimization of its weight was set. Researches were conducted by modeling of the intense deformed condition of coverings by means of a method of final elements in Nastran. For research the layered model consisting of variously reinforced layers of composite material of the set thickness was used. As a result of calculation on durability and stability of various coverings it was established that optimum schemes of laying of four-layer coverings are the schemes having the inside layers (the closest to a longitudinal axis of a compartment) reinforced under angles and the external layer reinforced at an angle. Lack of distinction in stability and durability of coverings in case of mutual change of places of the layers reinforced under angles provides possibility of replacement of these two layers with one orthotropic layer. When modeling dry compartments of aircraft the preference needs to be given to the four-layer coverings having the scheme of an arrangement of layers (45, –45, 0, 90). Influence of change of quantity of four-layer packages of layers of a covering on its durability and stability was investigated, thus thickness of a covering was accepted by the invariable. It was established that distributions of tension and the maximum tension arising in coverings are identical, and the coefficient of a stock of the general stability increases with increase in number of packages of layers. And, the essential increase in coefficient of a stock of stability occurs only when using two packages of layers therefore when modeling coverings from bigger quantity of packages of layers it is recommended to use technical and economic calculations.Key words: composite material, covering, durability, stability, layer, optimization.


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About this article

Authors: Vlasov Yu.L., Morozov N.A., Gavrilov A.A.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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